[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NJrhdCF.jpg[/img][/center] [center][sub][h1]「起死回[color=8dc73f]生[/color]」[/h1][/sub][/center] [center][sup][sup][sup][h1]K I S H I K A I [i]S E I[/i][/h1][/sup][/sup][/sup]w a k e f r o m d e a t h a n d r e t u r n t o [color=8dc73f]l i f e[/color][/center] [color=black][b][color=a187be]N[/color] A M E[/b][/color] [indent]Kito Haruki 木藤春樹[/indent] wisteria([color=a187be][b]木藤[/b][/color]) [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] ([color=8dc73f][b]春樹[/b][/color]) spring tree [color=black][b][color=a187be]A[/color] G E[/b][/color] [indent]Twenty three.[/indent] [color=black][b][color=a187be]A[/color] P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color] [indent]The first thing people notice about Haruki are her eyes-they are far bigger than most from the mainland-and her skin, which is stained with a subtle tan that becomes more prominent whenever she spends too much time under the unforgiving midday sun. These features mark her as a foreigner, which both renders her conspicuous and invisible at the same time. Conspicuous because she is different, yet invisible because people are dismissive of those who hail from the strange Tokkukoko Islands. Haruki is of a robust build, as one would expect from women who spend much time out in the fields, yet when in the woods, she moves with the hurried grace and precision of a hunted deer. She carries on her back a black basket made of straw, where she stores the herbs and various medicinal ingredients she has collects on her daily walks, as well as the occasional stray runt she finds along the way. A leather pouch that contains a rudimentary kit of needles, a small mortar and pestle set, catgut strings and a vial of clean water is strapped to her leg, while her hori-hori is stashed in her waistband. Haruki often wears a wide straw hat in an effort to minimize the sun's effects on her skin, but to no avail. [/indent] [color=black][b][color=a187be]P[/color] E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] [indent]Haruki is usually an even-tempered woman who only speaks when spoken to, but she is always the first to act when there is someone in need. This change in demeanor sometimes translates into impatience when other people impede her work with distractions or clumsiness. She hates hearing about people wanting to die and goes out of her way to do whatever it takes to save people from the brink of death, even though it only extends their life for a few days before death inevitably claims them. While Haruki is outwardly cheerful, internally, she is anything but. The state of the world distresses her greatly and having people die under her care makes her feel extreme guilt. She copes by creating various recreational substances from the herbs she gathers, which grant her what seems to be otherworldly visions that help her escape from the present. Upon learning of the recent wave of technology being used in the capital, Haruki wishes to learn if it can be used to improve the potency of the services her clan provides.[/indent] [color=black][b][color=a187be]S[/color] T R E N G T H S[/b][/color] [center][color=8dc73f]癒しの刃の道 [color=a187be][b]|[/b][/color] T H E W A Y O F T H E H E A L I N G K N I F E [/color][/center] [indent][indent]As a student of the Healing Knife guild, Haruki is schooled to see steel as an instrument of life, instead of death. Each student is given a personal hori-hori, each customized to suit the student's medical expertise as well as physicality. Haruki's expertise is creating medication that increases blood flow around the body, as well as creating formulations that help wounds to clot and dry quickly. As these rare herbs are usually found in hostile and remote terrain, Haruki was gifted a peculiarly sharp yet small hori-hori, one that cuts through tough bark and sinew like a knife through butter. Its small size also allows her to keep it hidden, misleading potential marauders or predators to let down their guard when trying to assault her-and gives her the advantage of surprise when she strikes with fatal precision to vital points in their body.[/indent][/indent] [center][color=8dc73f]C U T T I N G L E A F[/color][/center] [indent][indent]While Haruki is primarily a non-combatant, she is able to hold her own against most predators and a small group of assailants, using her knowledge of anatomy to inflict enough damage to facilitate her escape.[/indent][/indent] [center][color=8dc73f]S P I R I T S O O T H I N G H E R B S[/color][/center] [indent][indent]Haruki is capable of mixing herbs and substances to combat the onset of illness and infection, as well as minimize pain and delirium in those that exhibit these symptoms.[/indent][/indent] [center][color=8dc73f]B L O O D H A R D E N I N G H E R B S[/color][/center] [indent][indent]To combat blood loss in the cases of severe cuts or surgical amputations, Haruki is able to make a paste that when applied to a wound, stops bleeding in a few minutes through rapid coagulation.[/indent][/indent] [center][color=8dc73f]S P I R I T A W A K E N I N G H E R B S[/color][/center] [indent][indent]Although the herbs are usually used for treatment purposes, Haruki can also create mixtures that increase a person's stamina, focus and strength for up to four hours when ingested. However, it also greatly increases the person's appetite and may cause hysteria in particularly sensitive individuals.[/indent][/indent] [center][color=8dc73f]F O R B I D D E N H E R B S[/color][/center] [indent][indent]Haruki is able to create mood-altering and hallucinatory substances that grant a great sense of euphoria to those that ingest it. A common side-effect of this mixture is the loosening of inhibitions, an increase in creative intuition, sensitivity to the presence of supernatural elements, as well as being unable to experience pain. She usually only makes them for herself, patients who are in agony and near death, or for rich artists and writers looking for inspiration. This substance is addictive and repeated ingestion can cause dependency.[/indent][/indent] [color=black][b][color=a187be]W[/color] E A K N E S S E S[/b][/color] [center][color=8dc73f]H U N G R Y S P I R I T[/color][/center] [indent]Due to dependency on the forbidden herbs, Haruki sometimes exhibits weaknesses and sudden fainting spells when trying to detoxify herself by not indulging in the substance. This can last for up to four days, in extreme cases.[/indent] [center][color=8dc73f]D E L I C A T E[/color][/center] [indent]Despite her relative ruggedness and agility, Haruki is still a woman, and has limited physical strength and endurance.[/indent] [color=black][b][color=a187be]T[/color] H E M E[/b][/color] [indent][url=https://soundcloud.com/bohampscious/nobunagas-ambition-rise-to-power-a-calm-gentle-breeze][color=8dc73f]A Calm, Gentle Breeze [/color][/url][/indent]