[hr] [color=FF1493][h1][center][i]~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~[/i][/center][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8uOU3Sp6Xag/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][i][center]Location: Deep Space[/center][/i][/b] [hr] Xayah heard Sarah's cry and stopped to look around her. Swarms of Void creatures were sprawling around them. The small ones were no problem for her, the problem are the bigger chumps. There was one in particular that made her hair stand on edge. It was a large creature with bones and teeth-like appendages sticking out of it's back. Four separate limbs protruded from it's neck area and were unnervingly grasping at something, most likely her and the other Guardians. Almost immediately, she threw quills at said creature and spread the others evenly for the smaller Voidlings. She then started flying back to regroup with her team...but Kha'Zix was already making a dash for her. When she finally noticed the speeding Void demon, it was already too late. Even if she were to react, she wouldn't be able leave without some serious injuries. That was until a bright flash cyan dashed in front of the Void creature and footstomped it. Almost instantly, the creature stared at the cyan light, entranced. The source of the light then dashed to Xayah, giving her a shield and protectively covering her with his feathers. [color=00FFFF]"Not too late am I?!"[/color] Once Xayah got a good look at her savior, she hugged him and threw a couple more feathers to be sure. [color=FF1493]"Not dead yet so thanks babe!"[/color] To their left, Syndra hurled one of the creatures into a group and pushed them away. [color=9400D3]"We have to go, [b]NOW[/b]!"[/color] Xayah pulled the feathers back and held the monsters at bay as they flew back to Ahri's home. There, they saw the owner on the roof, presumably waiting for them. Once Xayah saw her, she ran to her and gave her a hug. [color=FF1493]"A-Are you okay?"[/color] Her voice was shaking from worry.