Both vampires raised an eyebrow at Lock. "That was a lot of hesitation," Lillith commented. "Are you sure you're up for practice? It's fine if you need some more time. Missing Halloween has... thrown more than a few people for a loop." Carmilla [i]tsk[/i]-ed, but didn't say anything. Certainly [i]she[/i] hadn't had trouble continuing on with her undeath. She was, of course, angry and upset that all her practice had gone to waste, but Lillith was the only one who saw the tantrum when she initially found out, and she had been quick enough to move on once she calmed down. She had a date planned on November 3, and she wasn't going to miss it just because there had been the FUBAR of the century. Lock supposedly cared about his band as much as he cared about his girlfriend, so if he couldn't handle the situation, well that was a fault on his part. Agatha shook her head to Barrel. "You and I both have plenty of spices. It would take a decade for us to go through double the amount." She shrugged. "I think I'll drop it off in the human world, if nobody else in town claims it. There are some shelters and things that would probably appreciate the variety."