Caldwell indicated for Rodney to start first. Rodney stood up as a hologram appeared above the table they were all sat up. Relayed from the Daedalus it showed the inner workings of several of the alien technologies they had encountered so far in this galaxy. Then two comparison screens were brought side by side, one of the turbolaser turret from the [i]Resurgence[/i] and one from one of the new [i]Assimilator[/i] class ships. "Here we have a comparison between the guns on the [i]Resurgence[/i] which are roughly twenty to thirty years in advance of the galaxy we are currently in-" The other diagram highlighted. "-and yet the new technology that the Empire is building for their new vessels is far superior and more advanced than anything that this ship possesses. On examining the technology we discovered crystalline technology, far in advance to anything anyone in this Galaxy uses or has ever used." An image of a crystal was brought up. A comparison crystal was brought alongside it, that of a Lantean control crystal. "As you can see this crystal is very similar to the technology that the race we know as the [i]Ancients[/i] used, however, there ware some key important differences. A flavour of another type of technology of another race we know. A race that is known as the Goa'uld." Sheppard spoke up next. "Basically, we know why we're here. There's a Goa'uld in this Galaxy giving technology to Palpatine, probably manipulating him. A Goa'uld called Anubis, and he's bad news." Caldwell nodded in agreement. "We're going to have to stop him."