[color=c4df9b][b]Ettamri Belarence[/b][/color][hr] Her eyes widened as she saw it was truly who they said it was. Ettamri had clashed with him before, in the retaking of the very fort they were marching to resupply. He was a formidable opponent, nimble, strong and quick thinking. Not the sort of opponent she would want to fight when every single one of the party was exhausted from the long march. Not a fight she wanted to take considering the rest of her party member as well, or considering the state the champion was in. To attack him while he was unarmed and after he offered peace was a cowardly act she will not accept. Even if she was cursed to become the foulest, most evil creature known, her pride will never waver. [color=c4df9b]"Ah... I see. The Champion from long ago. I had thought myself strong, but that clash with you proved I was woefully wrong."[/color] She wanted to go into the bath right now. Katya was already happily swimming in it. A warm bath, hell, even a regular bath was a luxury that did not come often to her. A thirsty man waist deep in cool water, yet unable to drink due to the shackles tying him up. In this case, her shackles was her curse. A demon, one with vibrant crimson skin would be killed immediately. And considering how her companions reacted to an orc in the bath, she was likely to be killed or attacked if they even caught one whiff of her curse. [color=c4df9b]"Katya, I'm going to see the rest of the group first. I'll take that bath later."[/color] Oddly enough, the red waif that plagued her had no words about the orc, as if agreeing that leaving him alone for now would be the best course. It was easy enough once she got back to the rest of the party a distance away; tell them in no uncertain terms the orc was not to be harmed as long as he showed no interest in harming them, and that they could indulge in the hot springs if they wanted to, now that the orc seemed willing to let them be. Ettamri would have to wait when everyone else was done bathing. In the meantime, she would assemble a pile of rocks to act as a wall for her, with a larger boulders in the inside until it reaches to her shoulders when sitting, with an incline on the outside part made of piling smaller rocks. Not exactly a back breaking task, with just the gathering of the rocks to be concerned about, then slapping on snow on the outside part. On the inside part, meant to be facing the fire, she laid down her cloaks she used for the last camp. [color=c4df9b]"Hmm. Alright good work on the camp, someone get the fire going. Use the firewood from inside the wagon as well as any more wood you can find. And uh.. You, Argen was it? Better get the food going after the fire starts. I'm going to look around the area some more."[/color] While she mentioned she was going to look around some more, what she was doing was simply killing time now, awaiting for her turn in the hot spring.