[sub][h3][center]T h e P r o m i s e[/center][/h3][/sub][hr] Generally speaking, Gennedy had seen worse times here in the stars. A few years ago a few trouble makers tried some shoddy, knockoff fight club that had worked out poorly for them. A few months ago, someone contaminated the food. The hospitals were worse than the cleanup, honestly. These incidents had been few, and far between. He prided himself on how tight the operation was. Years of meticulous planning and experience even before his own ability had manifested had done him well in that sense. Having such noteworthy events in such a short period of time, though? That was new. It annoyed him to no end because it made it all the more likely that some of the other heads would begin to stick their noses where they didn’t belong. He was the only parahuman among them, after all. He expected it, and relished the fact that he so often showed that he was just as qualified if not more so than they were to be in the position that he occupied in spite of their stigma. He was a smart man, though. He did not seek conflict- he had been raised to never start problems, but to always finish them. Apprehending Ellis and Anderson had been easy enough. Part of him was thankful for that, given their abilities and in Ellis’ case, history. Anderson was no doubt a wildcard, but he was mostly predictable. When he wasn’t turned, he was fairly normal young man. Ellis was much more dangerous, given her history in Project Lion. Thankfully, they had been present at the scene and cooperative when they were brought to their solitary dwellings for the night, and then to the station the following morning. The night had been long, frankly. They knew the general location and time, but no details could be ignored. Gennedy was far too strict, and far too thorough to miss anything if he could afford it. Given the cameras they had around the sidewalks, it had been pretty easy to see that Holmes, Nelson, and Plasse had been present as well. Plasse had been cooperative as soon as his security team had shown up at her dorm. She was quiet, but observant. Nelson and Holmes, though? Loud. The had not come quietly. Nelson was the easier of the two, being mostly cooperative once they had found her, but seemed to have very little respect for his agents. That pissed him off. Holmes? She hadn’t even answered the door. They had to track down the master keys and almost had to do things the hard(er) way to get her into the station. Upon finding out about the video evidence she had apparent yapped about how she was innocent and the body had no burn wounds. Her words had been valid, but were also free admission that she [i]had[/i] been at the scene. Perhaps in the USA her officers would have told her that she had the right to remain silent, but this was not the USA, and parahumans had no such rights. Gennedy checked his watch. It was 9AM, now. He had prepared a few questions to ask, but was otherwise looking forward to getting the ordeal over with so he could get himself a proper breakfast. He had employed the assistance of Radvi, one of his more capable and the one who had been first at the scene, and his protege- a young man who went by the name of Griffin Aparo, to help him finish the job quickly. They should all be arriving in the waiting room shortly. He or Radvi would go and get them at 9:30, when the questioning was set to begin. [sub][h3][center]Archie[/center][/h3][/sub][hr] All things considered, this was a far better experience than the first time Archie had been brought into a station. The last time he was brought into a station, he had been fresh out of a transformation. Scared, confused, naked, and bound. It had overall been a horrible experience and even now, despite how nicely he had been treated given how he had cooperated, it put him on edge. He had been told that they had questions for him. No doubt for the others, too. He had been told that [i]everyone[/i] involved would be brought in an spoken to individually. A part of him was glad he wasn't in this alone, but the other part of him worried for how Lynn would react to being brought in. Would she blame him, or worse yet- Natalie? Another part of him all together reasoned that it was valid, though. Amelia had said that she had seen the man before. She had seen him being tortured! The station needed to know about this, and might even offer them some degree of protection. It would be an ease of mind thing, if anything. The others would be arriving soon. No doubt they'd want to know what the fuck had gone on and in a few of their cases, why they had been dragged to the station. Lynn's threat rung true in his head. [i]If they ask you who else was here when you found the human cutting board, you think about what the cafeteria looked like when you walked out of the fucking freezer before you answer. You think real fuckin' hard.[/i] He eyed the box of donuts that had been placed on the coffee table for what he could only assume was their arrival. It was equal parts unnerving and alarming that they had pieced everything together and prepared for them so fast. He reached out and grabbed a chocolate glazed since he hadn't had breakfast yet. This was going to get interesting. [hr] [@SepticGentleman][@He Who Walks Behind][@Typical][@Silver Carrot][@Levinfist][@DayDreamz]