Well, you said you'd cut a deal for me, so here we are. I'm fine with editing if necessary, though. Name: Lin Quan Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632316481299939379/632634298318454794/d60663fc2164c3d362fff6964481a4ee.png]"A simple affair."[/url] Though he is most often seen with this appearance, Lin's true form is far closer to what one would expect of a Qinglong—in other words, a large serpentine dragon of about 7.5 meters in length covered in azure blue scales, with deer-like antlers in the place of horns and a pair of 'whiskers' extending from near his nose. Personality: Compared to what one might expect of a 'dragon' in context of the 'New World', Lin Quan is far less greedy and self-serving, often acting to benefit a whole rather than just himself. Though he is not wholly selfless in his mannerisms, those who he deems as allies can expect aid should they ever desire it. That being said, he is not necessarily the most outgoing of people, often taking a more distant tone in conversation in most scenarios. However, when issues arise, Lin is often one of the first to posit possible solutions or answers in turn. Despite his apparent lack of relevant social skills, he can read people to an extent and is more than willing to continue conversations should he be prompted. Often times, he demonstrates by means of actions, not words, and thus gains relevance like that among his peers instead. History: A college student from China who had traveled overseas for his studies, Lin had never stood out by any means other than his own studies. Even as a student, Lin had mostly kept to himself, mostly engrossing himself in exam preparation and experiments during his free time. His own successes then had led to his subsequent eligibility to study overseas, and the young man had gladly taken that opportunity when it presented itself. Once he had left the endless cycle of examinations and studying, though, Lin found himself with far more free time than he had expected; one thing led to another, of course, and soon enough he had come to engage himself with the global presence that was the internet far more actively, and with it all of the cultures of the world in turn. He did not stray from his studies despite this, though, but being dragged left and right by classmates who wanted to introduce, watch, or play things with him made that far less of a priority. Though the world had opened up to him, Lin found his time cut abruptly short due to a particularly nasty car crash; the details of the incident were never fully known to him, of course, but all that he knew before his consciousness had faded was that his death was all but certain. Imagine his surprise, then, when he found himself as he was now! [hider=Inventory][list][*]One (1) set of clothes, currently being worn.[/list][/hider] [hider=Tier Zero Skill] World Encyclopedia: More of a mental construct than a physical one, this skill allows Lin to freely access the plethora of scientific information available to the people of Earth at the time of his transfer. As a skill without a physical medium, though, only Lin can access this database (but can obtain information so long as he desires it). Of course, having such information does not necessarily mean he can use it to its fullest potential, nor does it mean that he can explain the necessary contents to others. [/hider] [hider=Skills] [hider=Tier One][list][*]Flight: As a Qinglong, Lin is able to fly throughout the air (as one would expect of a dragon), though doing so does tire him out. While maintaining human form, however, he is able to 'walk' on air instead, which, while slower, is also far more energy-efficient. [*]Affinity towards Nature: Plants have a tendency to grow faster when Lin is near them; additionally, magic involving the manipulation of plants comes easier to him in turn. [*]Serene Mind: Unlike Western dragons, Eastern dragons have a reputation as a wise and collected race; this is reflected in Lin's mentality, as it takes a great more mental pressure to cause him to panic. [*]Weakness to Fire: As a herald of spring and the represenative of the 'wood' element, Lin is naturally weak to offensive uses of fire. [*]Weakness to Anti-Dragon: As Qinglongs are dragons, Lin is also naturally weak to anything intended to harm or kill dragons.[/list][/hider] [hider=Tier Five][list][*]Human Transformation: This skill is what allows Lin to adopt a human form rather than be forced to maintain his draconic appearance. Though he is naturally able to hide his antlers and tail as well, exerting any manner of power may cause them to reappear in turn.[/list][/hider][/hider]