[img]https://i.imgur.com/kqCeKN6.png[/img] [hr] With everything that was happening lately - the orientation mess, Freaky-D, Coleman turning up dead - it was understandable that a few things would slip by Radvi’s attention in his mental action-item list. He forgot to get something to eat last night after bringing Ellis and Anderson in. He forgot his baton in his quarters this morning and had to run back for it. And he [i]forgot[/i] that he’d been told he would be partnered up with a new security recruit a couple days ago. His head was a mess. Some coffee on his way to the station helped, though. As he made his way towards his destination, he started making a mental note of what he had to do. First things first - go meet his new partner. ‘Griffin Aparo’ was the name listed on the small memo he’d been sent earlier. Male, 19, nullifier, practically raised from birth to be a parahuman-beating machine. As far as backstories went, that was certainly a more interesting one than Radvi’s. He was just a beat cop from Richmond. After that - questioning. Several rounds of it. Ellis and Anderson, plus three other students who had apparently fled the scene, only for the cameras dotted around the brush to spot them. He’d be handling one of them - Keaton Plasse. Someone with… ‘very accurate guessing abilities’ was what he’d been told. Gennedy would be handling the other two, Lynn Holmes and Amelia Nelson. God help the both of them. Radvi made his way inside the station, tossing his finished coffee in a trash bin outside. Once within the reception area, Radvi looked around for one Griffin Aparo, who would supposedly be meeting him [i]right[/i]… There he was. Sitting by. Definitely a lot less rugged than the average guard. That would be his youth at work, though. Still, Radvi wasn’t one to assume so much based on appearances - you absolutely [i]cannot do that[/i] on a station full of parahumans. Speaking of which, Anderson was also present - just waiting for his turn in the hot seat. Seated near the further end of the reception area. Helping himself to a donut. Radvi shook his head and went back to agenda item number one. “Griffin Aparo?” He asked, approaching his new partner. [@Daydreamz]