Vala was really carefully observing everythign as they got close to the headquarters of this place. Supposed headquarters anyway. She was sure that they had probably a secret hideout where they were gathering or doing all their evil schemes at. How certain she was? As certain as the fact that the Emperor of Mankind was on Holy Terra. As they landed and saw the greeting they were given, she kept a poker face as the mand arbites with him to greem them and invite them into the building. She looked at both of them, then at the man. He didn't look like that much a danger, a single good shot from her pistol seemed like it would be enough to off him good, under the presumption he wasn't a deamon in disguise or had something else like personal shielding device of some kind. In that case a pistol shot might not be enough to off with his head, a shot from the sniper cannon would be neeed instead. Her eyes were narrowing as she looked at the heavy metal doors they were required to pass through. Should they enter, leaving might be really had to do should the base gets into a lock down. Not that they wouldn't be able to breach through such a bulkhead or gate, they could, would just be noisy, take time and attract a lot of attention to their location. After making a double count on the possible enemies present, she rested her hands by her sides in what would be a casual relaxed manner, but on the right tight she had her pistol strapped and her left hand was still holding the pretty spiffy breifcase like case she carried her tools in. It was metal and actually armored enough. She could use it to block regular shots and also to bash someone's skull in case she had to. That and she had her grenades at easy access on the belt. She was ready, her weapons were actually all set up to be ready to fire at a moment's notice. If the retinue was shot while htey were arriving, it would arouse suspcions and probably directly earn an exterminatus as far as Vala was concerned. No, in her mind, getting them to land and then finish them off within the headquarters while making it seem like they vanished somewhere later would be better. That or attept to kill them after they leave here which would be another good choice. Yeah, she walked at the back of the group right now, keeping an eye out behind them as she did so.