[h1]Resurgence - Briefing Room[/h1] Eggman disembarked from his Eggpod as it landed in the shuttle bay. They had offered a shuttle, but Julian hadn't gotten this far in life by trusting others. Now that he was on the good guy team, he should probably rethink that... Oh well, a though for another time. He got off and looked around. It was dark and dingey, compared to his usual ships. He grunted and was met by a soldier. "From the Egg Carrier. Take good care of my baby there, she's worth more than you are." He grinned, petting the soldier on the head, before following him through the ship and to the briefing room. As the door opened, they were met by a strangely proportioned man standing in the doorway. Taking a bow, he began survaying the room for all of the strange people that abounded. "Greetings!" He called. "I am Doctor Julian Ivo Robotnik of the house of Kintobor, but you can call me Dr Eggman, the greatest scientific genius in the world!" He laughed, stepping inside, before taking a bow. He then walked around to his seat, he stopped to stare at Samus. "You know, i have the STRANGEST feeling that i have seen you somewhere before... You're not friends with this annoying blue rodent i know, are you?" He asked. He then waved it off, before taking his seat. Listening patiently to all of these talks of "Goa'uld" and Anubis and "Universal Anti-body" He nodded and pretended to care about this guy, but he really didn't. "Alright, let me just pipe in here." He said. "Look, we're all Overlanders here..." He then noticed a few aliens in the room. "Most of us are..." He grinned. "Let me just throw in my 2 cents. Me and my crew are on a mission to track down a VERY bad man by the name of Manic, some of you will know, we asked you if you had any knowledge on his whereabouts, none of you did. But may i ask a simple question? Who here is actually well versed in the art of dimensional travel? Like parallel universes, alternate dimensions and Time Travel?" He put his hand up, before waiting to see anyone else put their hand up, he continued. "Second question, who in this room has any Chaos Emeralds with them?" He looked around at the confused faces. "You know, Chaos Emeralds? Jewels containing ultimate power, every Mobius has 7 of them? You may call them Sol Emeralds or 7 Secret Rings or something, point is that there's 7 of them and they've got the ability to break the dimensional barriers. So, here's what i am willing to do for all of you, If anyone can give me all 7 of their ultimate power jewels from their Mobius, then i can use them to send us all home?" He said. "These "Ancients" guys sound like a bunch of cryptic jerks, like the Echidna's and Wizards of my Mobius. Look, they're some guys that found all 7 of their Chaos Emeralds, went Super and got cocky, but again, I can do exactly the same if i had all 7 Emeralds." He put down his own little projector, that started to show pictures of different universes. "[url=https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111114283/3229255-dr.egg%20man%20wily.jpg]This is me with Doctor Wily.[/url] from an alternate universe, great guy, few screws loose and a bit of a bit unimaginative when it comes to plans, but his heart was always in the right place." He clicked for the next slide "[url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/91Uyba3wqsE/maxresdefault.jpg]This is me with Bowser[/url]. Bit of a stalker, but we all have our hang-ups. Also, really great at Tennis, had a hell of a backswing." He then clicked the next slide "[url=https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/12a261e4163442bfad3e313466dc8c53/5E2197C3/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/c135.0.810.810a/s640x640/69148572_2447939375448957_3191177529779628267_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=109]Here's me with my evil alternate universe self.[/url] My point is, that my credentials speak for themselves, can we agree at this point that i am the foremost expert on inter-dimensional travel here?"