[center][h2][i]Resurgence[/i] Briefing Room-Commander Hammer[/h2][/center] This time, Commander Hammer stepped up, stopping both the Supreme Commander and Kham from speaking. "You'd be wasting your time. Palpatine's seat of power is Coruscant, formerly the Heart of the Republic, as both it's capitol and the birthplace of the government. It's also the single greatest and well defended place in the Galaxy right now and every single ship trying to get onto and leave the planet is being heavily scrutinized. Not even an ARC Trooper could get in undetected right now. As for what we're going to be facing," tapping the keys in front of him, the Empire's current generation of ships and troops comes up, along with vehicles, transports, weapons and armors, "that's going to consist primarily of Phase Two Clones, a lot of Venators and a lot of Arquitens-Class light cruisers with fighter compliments similar to ours, though outdated by our standards. The Assimilators are still pretty new, so they'll be dispatched to hot spots and strategically important locations, but I wouldn't count on too many in one place. My guess is that even with this Goa'uld tech in them, enough firepower can still bring one down, so they'll be deployed in a minimum of pairs. Even so, they still have superior numbers on us, and I can give you a rough estimate on exactly how many per soldier they outnumber us by right now." Jason speaks up before Hammer can continue and continues. "Several hundreds of thousands, if not at least a million, easily. I served in the Clone Wars in my home version of this Universe, lead a Clone Legion when it's Jedi General died in battle. While I agree a scouting mission is prudent, we would be in no position to help a team when, not if, they're discovered by the Empire."