[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/26e756f9-4554-406a-8631-e5aac265c287.png[/img] [i]Squall Whisperers, Minstrels[/i][/center] "Listen to history's tale, About Hoshaf the accursed. Selka mourn and cry and wail, For this chieftain was the worst." The light of the bonfire cast deep shadows across Pyouroff's face, with theatrically wide eyes staring across the audience of Hyummin people. Behind him were several younger selka. Two beat a foreboding rhythm on large drums, one rattled a gourd filled with stones, and another twanged a haunting tune from the string of a bow held in his mouth. "His fall began with desire. The girl he loved loved his friend. Since this friend drew Hoshaf's ire, Hoshaf struck and brought his end!" A few gasps escaped from some of the pups as Pyouroff leaned forwards and shook his fist. "Hoshaf Thumfaten did find, In this scene of death and grief. Twisted was Thumfaten's mind, He planned to make Hoshaf chief." A more aggressive drumbeat grew beneath the sinister melody. "Violence cemented their claim, Their allies fought their own clan. Spreading lies in Kirron's name, Here the Dawn of Blood began." "Hoshaf was a chief so cruel, His own people he enslaved, No one dared defy his rule, Hoshaf took all that he craved." The beating of sticks joined the song, like the sound of spears beating against shields. "One day Kirron's own bloodkin, Found Hoshaf on the coastline. He encouraged Hoshaf's sin, And gifted weapons divine." Pyouroff took a step forwards and leaned towards the crowd, the shadows across his face deepening. The selka at the front of the audience took an involuntary step back. "This power Hoshaf did flout. All tribes would obey his will. When Thumfaten voiced his doubt, Thumfaten Hoshaf did kill." "Hoshaf wanted his friend's wife, To seize her and kill her young. As she fled she lost her life, But Yupilgo saved her son." There were murmurs of recognition from the crowd, particularly those belonging to the Grottu. Pyouroff continued his performance. "Hoshaf, bloodthirsty, enraged, Formed up a villainous horde. A war on selka was waged. Many died to this dread lord." "Hoshaf marched to the Hyummin, Nothing would stop Hoshaf's want. With weapons of the bloodkin, Hoshaf's power he did flaunt." There were a few frightened gasps from the crowd, but more whispered in excited anticipation. "Yet this fight was his demise. He thought he could never fail. Then came Ippino the Wise, Whose fire made the horde turn tail." There was a victorious cheer from some of the audience. Pyouroff paused briefly to relish the moment. The music then softened to the denouement as Pallamino recited the final verse. "The violent will never know, When the roles will be reversed. Hear the message of this show: Don't be Hoshaf the accursed." There was applause at the end. There was always an applause. Yet the haunting tale lingered with them, the music, poetry and theatre causing the song to stick much more stubbornly than words alone. While for many it was a chilling story from their history and no more, some were caught more strongly by the message behind Pyouroff's song. Two such people were having a hushed conversation to the side as the rest of the audience dispersed to their shelters and beds. "He is undermining the tribe. Something must be done," hissed one, an imposing man dressed in sharkskin and wearing a necklace of teeth which once belonged to some terrifying beast. "Kirrethi, it's just a song," said the other, a smaller man by comparison but still with an athletic build. He also wore sharkskin, although not as much as the first, and had a necklace with a few shark's teeth on it. "Don't you give me that, Rennelo. It is quite clear what he's trying to do. How many new songs has he sung about how dreadful it is to fight and put your own tribe first?" the one named Kirrethi scoffed. The second selka name Rennelo sighed. "You're right; Pyouroff is being very deliberate in the lesson he is trying to teach. But he's only one man, one voice." "You've seen the crowds, how he commands their attention. You know as well as I do that you only need one charismatic voice to sway the whole tribe," Kirrethi said. "The youths aren't as keen on training as warriors. And his words have weight with the other family leaders." "And what would you want more warriors for, Kirrethi? To take what you want? To claim what you desire?" Pyouroff, whose hearing was exceptionally sharp despite his age, had sidled up to the two selka unnoticed. Their heads snapped around in surprise at Pyouroff's interruption. A snarl formed on Kirrethi's face but quickly twisted into a forced smile. "To protect the Hyummin's interests, of course," Kirrethi answered curtly, then added, "From people like Hoshaf." A sly smile was on Pyouroff's face. "Well, I hope that the Hyummin's interests don't involve what belongs to other tribes. The K'nights don't take kindly to such intrusions." Kirrethi huffed, "Of course not." Pyouroff's stare did not believe him. Kirrethi looked out across the Hyummin tribe with is many selka settled across the flat beach. "We are growing, Pyouroff. The bounties of Delphina and Kirron have fed us well so far, but there is coming a time when it will not be enough. Surely you can see that." Pyouroff's smile soured somewhat, then softened again. "I've told you of the Ubbo tribe, have I not? When they were short on fish, Arryn messenger of Kalmar, another of Kirron's bloodkin, came to them and showed them how to hunt food on land. Perhaps you need a bit more faith." Kirrethi's eyes narrowed, but before he could answer Rennelo spoke first. "We thank you for your advice, Pyouroff, although us Korsachi are quite capable of managing our own affairs." "Without your meddling," Kirrethi added. Pyouroff waved a hand. "Of course, of course. Don't let the words of a wise, well-travelled old man bother you," Pyouroff said as he turned to leave. "Goodnight, Kirrethi, Rennelo." As they went their separate ways, Pyouroff passed by one of the musicians as he was unstringing his musical bow. "Do you really want to be aggravating the head of Korsachi?" the young man asked. "Someone's got to. May as well be me," Pyouroff said with a wink. Yet despite his confident exterior, there was visible weariness in his frame. "Well, I'll be heading to bed. Goodnight, Yup." "Goodnight, Pyouroff." [hr] The Lustrous Garden had made most of its journey through the sky when a voice stirred Pyouroff from his sleep. [colour=lightseagreen][i]Pyouroff.[/i][/colour] Pyouroff moved slowly, stretching old, aching limbs. When he opened his eyes, though, he did not see the beach where he had laid down to sleep, neither did he see the stars or the blue sky. Instead he was completely surrounded by thick fog and darkness. He sat up quizzically. Despite the confusing situation, he still had his wits. Beneath him was the bed he had fallen asleep on, surrounding by sand, so that at least was familiar. "Who's there?" he asked. [colour=lightseagreen][i]Delphina.[/i][/colour] Pyouroff's eyes widened. He hadn't heard Delphina's voice for decades, not since she had appeared to the Hyummin and taught them of music. He looked around, trying to see his goddess, but could not see more than an arm's reach away from himself. [colour=lightseagreen][i]Come.[/i][/colour] A path opened in the fog. Pyouroff crawled to his feet and slowly walked down the path. Although the fog was still opaque, Pyouroff made an effort to orient himself. If he was oriented correctly, this direction led to the ocean. His elderly pace quickened in anticipation. The path indeed opened to the sea. Yet rather than seeing the light of the moon and stars dance beautifully in the ocean, a dark cloud covered the sky and more fog surrounded the empty scene like the curtains of a tent. The sea itself was uncannily calm. [colour=lightseagreen][i]I have come with a warning of an approaching danger.[/i][/colour] Across the water from Pyouroff, a figure emerged from the fog. It stood on two legs and had four arms with a long tail. Its horned head looked from side to side, like a predator sniffing out prey, then its head snapped towards Pyouroff, light glinting off four eyes. A shriek chilled Pyouroff's spine and the creature ran towards Pyouroff, leaning its torso forwards and with its long tail flicking out behind it. Fear rooted Pyouroff to the spot as more similar figures burst from the distant fog. Some were smaller, some were larger. Their shapes and faces varied, some Pyouroff might have described as bear-like, or fox-like, or wolf-like, or even selka-like. Some ran on their two legs, while some made a loping gait on four or six limbs. All, however, were terrifying with claws, horns, teeth and menacing eyes. In his terror Pyouroff did not notice more figures appear in the near-darkness between him and the monsters. They were selka. The selka saw the monsters and turned to flee, but were not fast enough. The monsters lashed out with their viscous claws, liquid spraying out from the selka where they were slashed. Some selka fell, collapsing into the ocean below them, while some were dragged off by the monsters into the fog. As the slaughter continued, a new being entered the scene. This one was four times the height of a selka and appeared to be made of crudely hewn chunks of stone or ice. Spikes covered its body. The large being lumbered over to the selka on its lanky legs and swatted out with a long arm, an unlucky selka reduced to a spray and a splash. It continued to lumber forwards in its unstoppable advance, swinging arms scattering all in its path. Pyouroff then saw one of the monsters break off from the massacre and run towards him. Pyouroff tried to back away, but tripped and fell backwards onto the sand. He tried to scramble backwards as the beast came closer. He could see clearly every detail of its form as it hurried closer, its rippling muscles, its glistening teeth, its twisted horns, its elongated claws. The thing pounced. Pyouroff screamed and covered his face, waiting for claws to rip into him. It never came. He opened his eyes and found the scene as empty and featureless as when he had first arrived. Pyouroff was trembling and breathing heavily as he sat in the sand. [colour=lightseagreen][i]Remember this scene. These monsters will reach the Hyummin in four days.[/i][/colour] Pyouroff gaped, then stammered, "De-Delphina, please, spare us from these terrible beasts!" [colour=lightseagreen][i]I have already acted against these creatures. If I had not, you would be overwhelmed. Yet I do not allow you to face trials you cannot overcome. Now stand.[/i][/colour] Pyouroff climbed to his feet, still trembling. [colour=lightseagreen][i]What was your oath, Pyouroff?[/i][/colour] Pyouroff knew the oath well. He had made all his apprentices take it as he had done. "To always worship you, who gives me my strength. To use my power and skills to show your strength, and create beauty wherever I go. And to teach others as I was taught." [colour=lightseagreen][i]If your strength comes from me, why do you fear?[/i][/colour] Pyouroff opened his mouth, closed it again and hung his head. "I am sorry, Delphina." [colour=lightseagreen][i]They will arrive in four days. Show all my strength through you.[/i][/colour] The fog lifted and the clouds parted, and Pyouroff was looking out upon the open ocean under the night sky. A shiver ran across his body. Then he heard footsteps behind him. "Pyouroff. I heard you scream. I thought- well-" Pyouroff turned to see Yup running towards him. Yup was clearly relieved to see Pyouroff unharmed. Yet when Yup saw the terror in Pyouroff's face, evident even in the darkness of night, Yup slowed to a stop and anxiety entered his own voice. "What happened?" Pyouroff took a deep breath to steady himself. "Delphina visited me and gave me a most terrible vision. Gather the others. I must speak to them." [hider=Summary] We follow Pyouroff in the Hyummin tribe. We see four apprentices playing music with him (one of whom is named Yup and plays the musical bow). He sings a dramatic tale of Hoshaf the Accursed, with the moral that seeking your desires by violence leads to ruin. Kirrethi, patriarch of the Korsachi clan, is displeased, and says so to Rennelo (his right-hand man or adviser or something). Pyouroff has been at this anti-war campaign for a while, and Kirrethi is unhappy. Pyouroff interjects, and they have a little back and forth. That night, Delphina/Ashalla visits Pyouroff in vision/theatre. Pyouroff is warned of monsters who will attack the Hyummin in four days - mostly Reaper Spawn, with an Ihokhur. Pyouroff is told to prepare and to show all her strength through him. [b]Prestige[/b] [u]Stormbards[/u] [i]Start:[/i] 10 Prestige [i]Earned:[/i] 2 Prestige (major role) [i]Spent:[/i] None [i]End:[/i] 12 Prestige [/hider]