[h1]Resurgence Meeting Room[/h1] [@EliteCommander][@Zarkun] As the lizard-horse-alien called him fatman, he put up a finger "That's Eggman, but continue." As the creature explained the history of her universe, he nodded. "Well, of course you've never seen them, you're clearly not from Mobius." He snickered, blowing her argument off. "And yes, whole civilizations can rise without their power, it's just, where i come from, the Overlanders took millions of years to evolve into this prime specimen of overlander perfection" he flexed his body a little to emphasize. "But the native Mobians were able to use them to evolve beyond us in merely thousands of years. To put it another way, look at your hands, then look at mine." He said, looking at her hands. "Don't you think you're species would have evolved a little faster if they had 2 extra digits?" He then turned to Jason as he attempted to undermine his point. "Well, actually, my ship runs on an elemental energy core." He said, pressing a button to bring up schematics of the Egg Carrier. "No Chaos Emeralds needed. Same with my war-machines. Learned from that mistake thanks to that annoying blue rodent" He seethed a little before pressing it and schematics for the Egg Dragoon, Egg Wizard and Egg Emperor flashed by. "Sure, Chaos Emeralds definitely help turn these guys from one trick ponies into unstoppable killing machines, but considering that i'm currently without any, i'd say that my technology is doing well for itself." He then pressed a button to bring up a few flashes of vast machines. "That being said, you are correct in one regard, interdimensional travel is the one thing that eludes me without those Emeralds, or something with the same power output. But, if there's one thing that experience has taught me, it's that every universe has some unlimited energy artifact that can be harnessed." before pressing another button and a hologramic picture of an immense equation that began scrolling down at an immense speed flashed on the screen. "This is the exact equation for breaking the dimensional barrier and passing through safely. Took my Grandpa his entire lifetime to figure out the first part, and i was able to finish it off. "The most important part is this little number down here." He said pointing to a 35 digit number. He then pointed to the Resurgence's captain "You sir, you say you're from this universe? You ever seen anything powerful enough to destroy a planet? Because breaking the dimensional barrier is roughly the same energy. If we can harness anything that can do that, i can send us all home." He said with a big grin "Say what you like about me, I refuse to pretend i'm not the smartest man in the room. Humility gets you no-where in life, kids." He then sat down and listened to Travis talk about gathering up resources for this campagne, he was about to respond when he was cut off by Jason. After he suggested an attack on this "Kamino" place, finally, Eggman was able to pipe up. "Well, if it ain't Doctor Eggman to the rescue again?" He pulled his trousers up a little to emphasize. "You wanted an army of Robots from those Seperatist guys? Well, it just so happens that armies of Robots are my speciality!" He said with a big grin. "In my youth, when not conquering Mobius, travelling to alternate dimensions, or-" His face soured and scrunched up "Crushing annoying blue rodents and their friends" he ground his teeth whilst saying "I was building armies of Robots." He stood up again and turned on the projector "Yessiree, we've got [url=https://pm1.narvii.com/6648/26d66e31569efa6df5d5f7c4eea47f128c82c869_hq.jpg]Robot animals[/url], [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRigb5Z2PnQ-apdfp2ATtoudXZqVxDfjpOLehPzxaG-tNFmVeHS]Regular robots[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/4/48/Badniks_AoStH_v2.png/revision/latest?cb=20150811210043]A few early creations i'm not too proud of...[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/f/fc/Swat_Bot_SatAM.png/revision/latest?cb=20190518143927]Swat-Bots[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/a/a2/Giant_Robot.png/revision/latest?cb=20160713182114]Tank-Bots[/url], [url=http://info.sonicretro.org/images/e/e0/Egg_Fighter_Knight_SU.png]Robot Fighters[/url], [url=https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/hardboiledheavies.png]Robot Masters[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/d/d8/MetalSonicTSR.png/revision/latest?cb=20190204122227]Robot Hedgehogs[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/5/53/TSR_Omega.png/revision/latest?cb=20190201051846]One-Robot-Armies[/url], [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140707221135/deathbattle/images/5/53/Death_Egg_Robot.png]Giant Robot Me's[/url], So many fantastic machines!" He laughed maniacally. "Only problem." He pressed a button on it to show them the Egg Carriers [url=http://pm1.narvii.com/6707/8860a1b2af69f6c6e4020d34f2445455613306c0_00.jpg]robot factory[/url] "Egg Carriers factory is designed to maintain her standing crew of 5,000. Making a full army with this limited facility is gonna take time..." He then turned to the Resurgence's Captain again. "So, any giant robot factories around here that we might be able to commandeer? Because if we can, i can pump these things out on the double."