Lock let her, and rested his head on her shoulder. For now, he was content and comfortable. He glanced to Agatha as he slid his tail behind Lillith and gently curled it around the back of her legs. "Beats me," he said. "Knowing Shock, something wonderfully unpleasant, but since we like Behemoth, nothing too serious, so I wouldn't worry about it." He perked as he listened to Carver explain the prank on the Finklesteins. Slowly, his mind put two and two together as he realized the nondescript prank that backfired on Shock [i]had[/i] to be this one, as Carver hadn't caused any trouble there since. The corners of his mouth lifted into a grin, before he started laughing so hard, he almost fell off of Lillith's hip. "No [i]wonder[/i] she was so pissed!" he exclaimed. "Go big or go home, right Carver?"