>>Leaving the bar, hopefully to embark<< Jōichirō let out a boisterous laugh. [color=00aeef]"Well said. For an old man!"[/color] The young man exuded an air of swagger, like the old man had observed. With the combination of his fruit powers and his swordsmanship, he did indeed think himself as invincible. Other than the fact that he will die if he is killed. [color=00aeef]"So, you're a shipwright? I thought you were more than that. But thats fine I guess."[/color] He continued. Sure. He saw the red-headed one fire out some concentrated heat beams from his eyes. He chuckled inwardly as he related the attack to some classic mech-anime where the mechs shot out laser beams. Truthfully, Jōichirō took note of the situation, thinking that the red-headed one's powers to be similar to his own. Now he is really intrigued. He wonders who is truly stronger, given the fact that some devil fruits essentially have a different, powered up versions of themselves. In any case, it seems like the old man also had some sort of devil fruit powers as he worked quickly to subdue the young girl he spoke to previously. Pushing some of the nameless fodder aside, he approached the red-headed one directly. [color=00aeef]"Let it be known that I still don't trust you. I don't believe you to be stronger than me. And you better sleep with one of those laser beams ready. One slip. I'm taking your ship. For now, lets get out of here..."[/color] He finished and drew one of this swords. The one with a red scabbard, black guard, and a matte grey sheen to the blade. He was ready to cut down whoever got in their way to setting sail... [@Reflection][@King Cosmos]