[center][img]https://bookingagentinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Ben-Barnes-Contact-Information.jpg[/img] [h3]Lieutenant Johnathan Bailey[/h3][/center] [color=#CC6600][b]s p e c i e s[/b][/color] Human [color=#CC6600][b]a g e[/b][/color] 38 [color=#CC6600][b]h e i g h t / w e i g h t[/b][/color] 6'1" / 154 lbs. [color=#CC6600][b]g e n d e r[/b][/color] Male [center][h3][b]Infantry[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#CC6600][b]r o l e[/b][/color] Platoon Leader, Former Storm Comnando [color=#CC6600][b]s k i l l s[/b][/color] [list] [*] [b]Officer Training[/b] - Johnathan has trained in the Commonwealth's Officer Academy and is trained to effectively lead his lead troops and dispense battlefield justice when necessary [*] [b]Hand to Hand Combat[/b] - Johnathan is trained to fight with a sword but combined with his training as a Storm Commando, Johnathan is a truly deadly fighter [*] [b]Survival Training[/b] - As a Storm Commando, Johnathan is trained to survive behind enemy lines or in catastrophic situations [/list] [color=#CC6600][b]k i t[/b][/color] [b]Officer Kit[/b] - A minimal kit designed for commanding officers that contains the following: [hider][list] [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b8/69/72/b8697231fcc28ee8e49d705f7564a92a.jpg]Standard Uniform[/url] x1 [*] Smith-LeMat Burst Pistol x1 [*] Pistol Magazines w/ Ammunition x8 [*] Shotgun Shells x16 [*] Storm Commando Broadsword x1 [*] Journal x1 [*] Pencil x1 [*] Binoculars x1 [*] Pigeon Carrier w/ Pigeon x1 [*] Bedroll x1 [*] Backpack x1 [list] [*] Canned MRE x3 [*] Canteen x1 [*] Matches x12 [*] Weapon Cleaning Kit w/ Spare Parts x1 [*] Cloak x1 [*] Compass x1 [*] Serrated Knife x1 [*] 30ft. Paracord x1 [*] Sharpening Stone x1 [*] Flare Pistol x1 [*] Flares x3 [/list] [/list][/hider] [center][h3][b]I n f o[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#CC6600][b]h i s t o r y[/b][/color] Johnathan does not speak much of his past before joining the Browncoats. From what can be gathered, John joined up on his 21st much to the disappointment of his father. "It's beneath you, Johnathan! Only the poor and the ignorant storm off to fight at such a young age! You are neither!" he'd always say. John didn't care. If anything the fact his father disapproved only emboldened him to make the choice. He laments that now that he looks back on it, it was a foolish choice made by a foolish boy who wanted to see war.... Upon joining up with the Browncoats, Johnathan demonstrated an aptitude in both armed and unarmed combat. He also showed an ability to think independently and creatively solve problems. His superiors recommended he join up with the storm commandos, possibly join the Officer's Academy even. John however was just fine joining the commandos. By age 24, John was a graduate of the storm commando training program and off to see the world. Before the Iron Crown declared war on Thaejhal, John was deployed to various fronts around the world. In some instances, he was deployed to intervene in several civil wars and deployed to break up particularly nasty riots in countries transitioning into the Commonwealth. John fought valiantly regardless of the soil he was on. John was a model soldier and would have served longer until he took a chunk of shrapnel in the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bc/f7/45/bcf745a84c877e4d8538523887f7bc51.jpg]face[/url], leaving him half blind and unable to fight for some time. Wounded and unable to fight, Johnathan was left with time to reflect on the things he'd seen and done. The friends and allies he'd watched died, the people he'd killed. Constant movement and fighting kept John from thinking of such things but time made him realize that boys went searching for death, men knew not to go looking for the Angel of Death. It was that moment, half blind and angry that Johnathan realized what he needed to do. John enlisted in the Officer's Academy despite many feeling a former storm commando with only 1 good eye wasn't up to the task. John persevered despite such negativity, stating it was his duty to ensure that soldiers went home on their feet, not in a box. True, a doctor could save a wounded soldiers life but a good leader could save dozens, hundreds, even thousands of lives....