[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190928/93bf42393aa475f6d1b16906b4c28629.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/efb6f2c56d636a22df7da4aef152d8dd/tumblr_inline_p9g6atj8yJ1uca9y3_250.gifv[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/5e507f7a917afb7cba9f8e0c07a84a02/tumblr_inline_p9g6ascQt81uca9y3_250.gifv[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/d44d48e48ff00736d09ccbad3100e846/tumblr_inline_p9g6apAMzX1uca9y3_250.gifv[/img] [color=9DF4FE][color=967391]____________________________________________________________________[/color] ____________________________________________________________________[/color][/center] [indent][color=c7cfd2][color=967391]"Oh okay, so you're an expert now."[/color] Reina sarcastically chuckled to the robust man behind the wheel. He was trying to shed some words of wisdom to her, which was predictable. She should've expected this long car ride would be his opportunity to 'guide' her rather than be proud about everything she's achieved. [color=967391]"I'm sorry the way I live worries you, but dude, I'm thriving. I'm 'bout to film a STUDIO picture. That's huge for my career."[/color] Absentmindedly, she rubbed her pointer finger with her thumb, which was an anxious tick she obtained when she was younger. [color=967391]"I [i]live[/i] life and you consider it flighty. That's just who I am, Clay."[/color] His lack of response made her stomach churn, as if she wasn't nervous enough for this upcoming school reunion. She was excited to see all her friends together again, don't get her wrong, but the idea that her demons she spent years battling may come back from the dead put her in a soft panic that only grew the closer they got to the Keys. A huge part of her childhood was waiting there for her and that realization seemed to make her feel things that she thought she put past her. Expectantly and eagerly waiting, she watched his face go from stoic to tense. He's been expressing his feelings this entire ride and now he wants to go silent? Where was Clementine when she needed her? When he finally opened his mouth, she let out a sigh of relief. Although she pretended to act like she didn't want to hear what he had to say, she sought out her brother's advice on numerous occasions and held his opinion in high regard. [color=0d98ba]"I never said I wasn't proud of you."[/color] With those words, Reina leaned back in her chair, reflecting on how she might be taking her emotions and uneasiness out on him. He was trying to catch up and be there for her, yet some how she was twisting his words and making it more offensive than they actually were. Her brother wasn't an angry person anymore and she knew he understood the power of speech more than most. Everything he's said up to this point had good intention. No malice. He didn't have an inkling of wrath left in him, thanks to a hot yoga instructor that chose a life with him over everything else. Clayton held the steering wheel with one hand, while his other hand rubbed his temples in frustration. Such a defensive reaction. No matter how many years came and went, she can never let go of this conviction that she has something to prove. [color=0d98ba]"I'm trying to understand why you can't appreciate the NOW. You're constantly seeking something bigger and better. This job opportunity will give you a high, but you won't be satisfied. You rarely are. Sure, you have direction, but you live life like you're running out of time when right now, you [b]need [/b]to think of where you are and what you have going for you. What do you want? How do you define happiness? Why did you even marry that... guy... in the first place?"[/color] Yeah, he'd slip that in. Might as well while she's stuck in the car with him. Clayton saw this divorce coming a mile away. Two people that got bored easily. What were the chances they would truly, deeply last forever? And on top of that, Elijah was constantly trying to change who Reina was, even going out of his way to ask Clay for advice - that didn't end well, mind you. [color=967391]"So THAT'S it."[/color] Figures. He never did like Elijah and unlike her brother and Barr, she didn't see marriage as some sacred bond between soulmates. Marriage was a social construct where two individuals chose to make it 'official' by a legal document and the reward? Benefits. More benefits than most people realize. It isn't some natural phenomenon. It adds some legality to someone you might want to spend the rest of your life with, when the truth of it all was: this is some over-exaggerated bullshit. There's so much made-up lawfulness, ceremonies, and traditions tied into it. Something natural can only be broken by nature itself, and here she was, without an ounce of guilt or obligation, ready to agree to Elijah's wishes and terms to separate because they no longer were able to fulfill each other's needs. They weren't young and dumb anymore. Nowadays, they sought out more than the person they used as a crutch to aid in their success. For her, his money was fine and dandy in the beginning until she started making her own and no longer needing him. For him, he craved to catch her, like a wild fox he wanted to domesticate. He wanted to keep her fire to himself and only came to learn such a feat was impossible unless he impregnated her. He wasn't evil, okay. Just selfish. Their paths, like the stars in the sky, failed to align; all because she was the way she was and not because he had egocentric tendencies, and came to despise her wanderlust and ambition. The very fiber of her being. She, who would never, could never change for anyone. Before she responded, her dark gaze fell on her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ff/f3/28/fff328b639d0d536b6ef6579e3708f42.jpg]wedding band[/url] and how artificial it must be for her to wear it. [color=967391]"I don't always do things with a plan. Sometimes, I need to do something to remind myself that I have control over my narrative. I took a hard left turn for Elijah, but... I don't regret him. You know how I feel about marriage. He came in my life when I needed something new and maybe, just maybe he was that risk I needed to take to be where I am I today. He used me. I used him. We're not saints."[/color] She couldn't help but shake her head at all this. How weird she must be for trying something out, only for a taste, but knowing just as much as everyone else that it wouldn't last, [color=967391]"No one is."[/color] After taking a deep sigh in and out, she concluded, [color=967391]"I don't think I would've realized how little I needed him. Or anyone for that matter. Yeah, marrying him may have been going too far but this was a good mistake I needed to make. Who knows maybe it could've changed my mind on the whole thing! It didn't. But, it helped me... become me. Am I making sense?"[/color] Clayton's eyes rested on her face. His lips lifted upward, which showed that warm glow she knew oh-so-well. A softness that she was fortunate to see ever since she could remember. Something that would make girls uncomfortable, having some effect on their breathing, causing it to go shallow, as they gasped for air. A loving smile that brought her comfort, even while they talk about these subjects she didn't have answers for. [color=0d98ba]"Yeah, I get it. In a weird Reina fashion, you did what you needed to do. And... I admire that about you."[/color] She returned the smile... perhaps, getting this all out of her chest would be a good thing before she reunited with some old, familiar faces. Particularly one. [/color][/indent] [hr] [indent][color=c7cfd2]Her brother went as far as to park his car and carry her things to her hotel room. Room 105. They embraced before he told her to have fun and then he was off, on his way for another long drive back home. She offered for him to nap on her bed, but he was quick to decline. He had a woman he needed to get back to. Once he was gone, Reina decided to do what she does best. Explore. The night prior she didn't get much sleep because she and Clementine spent it telling each other stories, eating junk food, and drinking wine. No she wasn't hung over. She didn't drink nearly as much as Barr. The rational thing for her to do was try to rest before the party, but she wouldn't be her if she did that. There was too much she wanted to do and sleeping would only waste her time. Walking outside, leaving her camera and clothes unpacked and behind, she strolled to the pool and looked out to the gorgeous, deep blue. She could only imagine how it would look when the sun set. It was already such a visual spectacle. This instant caused her to think of someone she was doing so well at not thinking about. She wondered how he was holding up, if he was happy and found his calling. Was it strange for her to be curious about his livelihood? To be curious about...him? Shaking the mental image she had of him out of her head, she turned away from the scenic view and went back inside, examining every nook and cranny there was to this beautiful resort. Amanda outdid herself. At least that's one thing she can like about the hostess. Her exquisite taste. [/color][/indent]