The Rat Swarm try to climb up Pele's and Reynault's bodies and bite them, only for them to fail and fall back to the ground. They were just not getting anything from both adventurers. Reynault can feel the heat build up again as Pele casts the same spell again. However, the rats knew what was coming and they managed to move out of the way of two blasts. The last blast managed to catch the swarm that was attacking Pele. The rats screamed as some of them were cooked. The swarm that was bothering Pele looked less like a swarm, and more like four or five rats. The swarm that was bothering Reynault is still going strong. [hider=Initiative Count]Rat Swarm = 12 Pele = 7 Reynault = 1 One Rat Swarm goes after Pele, the other goes after Reynault Rat Swarm 2 Bite to Pele: [url=]3[/url] Rat Swarm 3 Bite to Reynault: [url=]13[/url] Pele casts Scorching Ray once more. Scorching Ray 1: [url=]7[/url] Scorching Ray 2: [url=]9[/url] Scorching Ray 3: [url=]24[/url] Damage: [url=]7[/url] Swarm 2 looks heavily damaged. Swarm 3 is still going![/hider]