The bronze dragonborn nodded and answered her order, "Excellent choice, ma'am," He then called to the back "ONE SPECIAL OF THE DAY!" He then went back to work, cleaning the glasses and pouring drinks for the other patrons who came up to the bar. As Elaranna looks over the board, she notices that there are a lot of jobs posted. It's almost overwhelming. Most of the ones she saw are more for heavy labor or diplomatic missions. The exact jobs that she was not looking for. However, she does manage to catch one job posting that seems like it might just be a perfect fit for her. "[i]Help Wanted! My pet monkey, Buttons, is out on the loose somewhere in Nalukkhar. Please find him! The reward will be 1,200 gold and a magic item of your choice. You will receive the reward when you bring Buttons to my shop, Trina's Trinkets, in the town square. -Trina[/i]" This certainly looks like a well paying job despite how simple the request is.