[h2][b]Eri 'Moram - The [i]Resurgence[/i] Briefing Room[/b][/h2] [hr] "We shall return with nothing if we are killed fighting your battles. And we do not need a better ship to stomp out the final embers of the Covenant." Eri remarked back with a brief growl. "I do not make this decision for the [i]Immaculate Aegis[/i], but I believe I know my shipmaster well enough to know he will require proof of this. I will concede that the...conclusions you make are logical. If he gains power in this universe through the worship of its people, then there would be no guarantee that he would stop." Eri leaned in onto the table, not breaking eye contact with Elizabeth. "But all of it relies on believing your word. How would I prove to my shipmaster that Anubis is the manner of being that you describe, and that he can gain power as you say? There are ten thousand warriors on the [i]Immaculate Aegis[/i], and you will find no equal to them in skill and ferocity, but based on what should my shipmaster give their lives to your cause? Faith? You may ask the warriors of the [i]Unbroken Hope[/i], the Sangheili have slaughtered billions based on nothing but faith...and we shall [i]never[/i] do so again."