Following after Lauren, Alexandrite took in her surroundings and made a mental reminder to explore the campus more when she had time. Upon arriving at their new home, she looked around and decided that she was fairly content with her new living space. It was definitely a whole lot more... home-like than the orphanage, and she got a room all to herself too! After waiting for Lauren to finish talking, Alexandrite got her own thin piece of laminated paper and sharpie before heading for the stairs and walking up all the way onto the fourth floor. After a quick moment of pondering, she decided to take the room at the very end of the hall, briefly taking note of the washroom she passed by. She paused in front of her desired room, and neatly wrote out the name she chose before sliding it onto the slot. Entering the room, she wasn't surprised to find a rather... basic room. The bed was placed in the corner (just like how she liked it) and above it was a large window covered with white curtains. On another end of the room, to the right of the bed, was a desk with a chair tucked in and a lamp turned off. The closet Lauren mentioned was across from the bed, in the front of the room. Alexandrite never expected to live in a luxurious room, anyways. She was already perfectly content that she had an actual home to live in- hopefully [i]permanently[/i]. Thinking back to to the brochures, she couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, the Academy wasn't as bad it as may have seemed. The thought lead her to stare at her closet, and she briefly considered checking on the supplies, but decided to relax by gazing out of the window and enjoying the scenery.