Steph face went deep red, her horns glowed a slow blue before suddenly flooding with a light pink before fading to a deep red. [i]Oh god... Why do I feel so... [b]safe[/b][/i] She mumbled in her mind, she nodded once at his words, almost hypnotized. "That... That sounds good." She mumbled, stumbling when he released her face. She picked herself up and straightened herself, scrambling to fix up her clothing and fixed her standing, she didn't notice her tail swaying slowly, or how deep red her horns were. [hr] [u]Just...[/u] The Agent responded, [u]Just making sure... I thought she was a war beast? But from... What I just witnessed she could have easily been a bodyguard...?[/u] Gaia landed deep in the mountains, landing on all fours with a rumble and a shake of her head. She let out a loud huff as she focused, her features had became a bit more beast-like, something she wasn't used to. She stood up slowly, stretching her wings out slowly before she looked down at her body. "What...?" She asked before she shook her head, maybe she just hadn't looked at herself for a while. She tried to think back to what had just happened, but her mind was hazy. She moved to settle in the mountains for a while, she felt safe here... [hr] Harriet listened to the voice as it mumbled more words to her before the words and voice died out. Once again, silence drifted over Harriet's mind, the power still broken and sprawled through her body and mind. Harriet sat in silence for a moment before her eyes slowly opening. The shadowy ink around her room suddenly disappeared as she opened her eyes; not allowing her to see what had unfolded. As Harriet stood up, she looked around, nothing in the room seemed different, the tendrils left nothing behind. A small inkling in her mind told her to find a free field for the Voice to return. [i]What... was that?[/i] She thought to herself, moving to write a note for her father in her book. she tapped her fingers gently against the pages as she waited for an answer. [u]It sounds like you've been gifted with a link to Zarilyn.[/u] Sebastrian replied, [u]Don't be afraid, she's a very kind Goddess. She cares for all of the Mortals.[/u] Harriet nodded at the book and scribbled a goodbye before closing the book.