The two at the board were speaking now, though not quite loud enough to be heard all the way over at her table. Whatever it was, they seemed to have come to an agreement, and the big, red and scaly one trundled over to the guild's counter, whereas the wild-looking foreign girl came sauntering over towards the table. Had they noticed that she'd been looking at them finally? Maybe they didn't like people gawking? Though she had meant no offense, it was just an odd couple that had caught her ey- wait, what? The messy-haired archer had spoken to her, in a friendly manner. Once more, she had offered her a position on the opportunity of a life time, cleaning carcasses out of the palisade's dry-moat. [i]Oh boy![/i] While the sales-pitch needed some much, much more intense rework, she couldn't fault the girl's enthusiasm and sincerity. A smile crept across her face as she placed down the mug from which she had been sipping. "Ditches, huh?" She said, putting an elbow on the table before her and leaning her chin into a cupped hand. "I suppose it's as good a reason as any to get to go back outdoors. Statying in this musty old place for too long makes me miss the sun and breeze... They have good drink and food though." She had started the reply half-heartedly, but perked up at the end... Especially at the part about food. She cast a glance sideways at the lizardman over by the counter, before turning her head back to the lioness who now asked if she was a mage The girl laughed merrily with closed eyes. "Hahaha~! Do I look the part?" She sat straight up and posed in a silly fashion - while seated - before going on. "But no, I'm actually a druid. Though I suppose in some ways you could say that's a type of mage... Hm, a [b][i]Nature Wizard![/i][/b]" For a moment. All was still and quiet. Had there been crickets inside the guild hall, they would have been chirping. Had there been a wind and tumblewweds, they would blowing in a whistling fashion, while bouncing along effortlessly... The girl seemed to realize this quickly, and her happy face turned rather red. "Uhm... Yes... But... Sure, I'll come along, if you want me to." She confirmed, picking the mug up and placing it infront of her mouth, both to finish up what was left, and to hide... [i]Meanwhile, over by the counter...[/i] "Ditch cleaning, two or three... ALright then." The Guild Girl said, shuffling some papers around and penning something on something else, before looking up at the lizard as he asked about the patrol for the night. "Well, the appointed time to meet at the guard station is around 10 at night, but... Sir, you can't accept multiple quests at once I'm afraid. That's against guild policy, other adventurers might want to pick that quest up while you're out." She explained politely, though matter-of-factly as well. It made sense though, if people could just nab as many quests off the board as they liked, then they could essentially hoard work for themselves, while starve others of opportunities. Hence, it was decided that one may only take on one quest at a time, once you reported back and cleared your current quest, you were free to take on another. "Of course, if nobody comes around and picks that one up, you're more than welcome to tackle it once you finish with the ditches." She added, holding one figner up as if to make a point while still smiling politely in a trained fashion. She corrected her slim glasses before proceeding. "Now, to start, you should head out of the town's east gatehouse and report to the guard stationed out, just beyond the wall. He's been informed that adventurers may show up to help with the job and can give you further instructions once there."