Discoveries [hider=World (Name unknown)] You landed on the ground! heres what you've discovered so far! [hider=Red-Ash Woods] [i]What was once the site of a great battle has since been overgrown by Trees and foliage. The grudges of those that died in war is said to have been responsible for some of the more twisted tree-trunks one can find in this forest. Ghost sightings are also pretty common in this woods![/i] [/hider] [hider=Poor Maiden's Stream] [i]A small freshwater stream that runs through the Red-Ash Woods that connects to the Wood Elves main trade route, The Heritage River. There are common folk tales about this stream but the one that gives it is namesake is the sighting of a lonely maiden whom sometimes flocks to the streams edge in times of war.[/i] [/hider] [/hider]