[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191014/1b0487a12a72e0ec7fef7d93a35c8d81.png[/img] [color=BE17BD]______________[/color][/center] The rush of wind and the weightless feeling of a body in free fall might as well have been called familiar to Orsen by now. He was angled so that his back was toward the approaching ground and his vision was enveloped by a bright blue sky. He furrowed his brows. [i]Daylight?[/i] Maybe this was part of some strange mid-fall hallucination, same as that creepy skull-headed... [i]thing[/i]. He sighed and closed his eyes, waiting for the impact he was sure was coming. ...and waiting. [i]Waiting.[/i] What the hell? Was he dead yet? Or maybe 'again' was the right word? He cracked an eye open when he didn't quite feel the pull of gravity anymore and found the same blue sky filled his vision - but instead of the sound of air rushing past, his ears were filled with the high-pitched squeals of girls panicking. He sat up abruptly, his speed and mass flinging dirt and flowers around as he rose. He could feel something catch in his hair, and he was sure it was already a rat's nest of earth and plants. He looked over to the source of the noise, indeed finding three young women (one with horns, what the hell?), a young man... and another man on a horse. He had barely heard the rider's question over the other noise, and he really didn't feel the need to answer. [i]Obviously[/i] they had just fallen from the sky. Wait... all of them? Orsender rubbed his head, further tangling the fluffy hair atop it. Maybe the giant skull-head wasn't a hallucination? That seemed really unlikely, but... well, at any rate he should probably help out that girl screaming about having weeds for eyes. Orsender got a leg under him and stood to his full height. He was struck with momentary vertigo. Why the hell was he so tall? He looked down at his body and found it completely and totally different from the one he was used to. A puff of air escaped him, surprised. [i]Reborn[/i], that thing had said, if he remembered right. Did he... was he really...?! [color=9966CC][b]"Here,"[/b][/color] Orsender said, he couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up at the sound of his new, deeper voice. He grasped the small brunette's head, his hand nearly large enough to engulf the whole thing, and brushed the the plants out of her face as gingerly as possible before stepping away. He looked down at his hands and arms, took a few more steps with his long legs and just... walked around with a stupid, toothy grin on his face. [i]Very[/i] toothy, as his mouth sported some fangs. He didn't mind that his skin was some kind of non-human color. He raised his arms high into the sky and stretched. Reborn indeed!