[img]https://i.imgur.com/fl5E36F.png[/img] [@supertinyking][@KillamriX88][@AtomicNut][@rawkhawk64] [hr] "This is fine." Bak said as the snake made its little makeshift privacy screen, even as her face conveyed the idea that this wasn't ideal. She wasn't comfortable with people watcher her maintenance, seeing into the nasty inner workings of her metallic bits. If anyone else in the room but this [s]intruder[/s] prospective member in good standing with the council's trusted advisor had offered something like this she would have accepted it out of hand, but when an [s]outsider[/s] new recruit allegedly hand picked by Clara herself did it it was almost like she was hiding Bak away. That thought turned over in her mind, stirring up the embers of an old resentment she tried her hardest to pretend didn't exist. Memories of a hastily constructed little room with a dirt floor, connected to her home yet separate from her home. This was stupid. She was stupid. Celestine trusted this girl, Luigi didn't seem at all surprised to see her there. That should be enough, right? Right?? But at the same time, be wary. Bak trust in Celestine crashed up against the walls of her suspicions and even if she could feel her muscles tense up every time this supposed witch used words like "Us" and "We" like a cliff being assaulted by the sea some erosion had already been produced. "Meeting has not begun yet, though." she said as she turned to walk toward the veil. "Give a few minutes for others to arrive." Luigi was good at his job, so maybe he could get this done before the last of the members she expected to trickle in. Though, looking at the room, she couldn't help be feel like this was about the best she could do. It would still give her a chance to ask Luigi about this Diana girl in semi-privacy, just to assuage her own fears you understand, if they waited a few minutes for new faces to show up. As if on cue a new face decided to show itself right then. Another face that Bak didn't recognize, but Diana did. She'd introduced this boy before just seconds before, and it was only what she'd said before that stopped Bak from tossing him out right away. "You are student here?" she asked politely even as her eyes seemed to paint crosshairs on his forehead. "You must be recent transfer, because if you were not you would know any member of council is approachable at any time if you have concern or problem." This was true on paper, but in practice the only member of the council likely to be approached was Luigi. Bak had tried to remedy this with a suggestion box on the council room door, but had taken it down and burned it after a week when the only things that were dropped in there were joke suggestions, insults, and obscene drawings of council members. "I can only think that you are here, and not in class, in order to return phone that you picked up?" Even though there was a question mark at the end of that sentence it was clearly not a question. She held out her open hand to him. "But I would very much like to speak with you as well. After school maybe? I am always around." This boy had supposedly trying to poach someone from Clara? That piqued Bak's suspicions. Finding who was trying to "take charge" in Clara's absence was very much on the agenda today, but considering what had happened she didn't want to force the issue and risk starting a fight when the regular students were trying to attend class. Diana had found that agenda, among the papers she'd been looking over. It stood out because it was a plane white sheet with a list of the most meticulously scrawled chicken scratch you were ever likely to see. [quote=PrObleMS] - St. LaUral'S AttaCks. SeCret loCatiOn diSCOVered? ([i]Beside this is a crude drawing of Bak stepping on someone with explosions in place of their hands. Bak is triumphant and the boy has Xs instead of eyes.[/i]) - MiSSing MeMbers: ChriStine, LUigi, VittOriO --> Wanted Man! [u]SiCk and COnfUSed!!![/u] - Rabble rOUSer - YUUtO - ClUb bUdget [/quote]