[@Sep] [h1]Resurgence[/h1] Eggman watched as a new person entered, as though she was someone he might recognize. It wasn't until after she mentioned that she was the one that brought them here that Eggman's smile crept wide across his face. "Oh boy..." He laughed. "Look, lady, if there is something that i've learned when it comes to alternate-universes it's this. "Trust no-one, especially not yourself"" He then got up and looked at her. "Alright, if you're all that powerful, you want us to defeat this Anubis guy?" He rubbed his brow "I'll be brutally honest. In my youth, i was a bad egg, conquered my Mobius, built my own empire... I have raised and controlled 3 Gods of destruction in my time, all 3 got too powerful and turned on me. All 3 were taken down by an annoying blue rodent weilding the 7 Chaos Emeralds. I just so happen to have, at my disposal, an annoying blue rodent that can harness the same powers." He quickly tapped on his control pad, before his personal projector showed a picture of [url=https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/302/685/ac0.png]A Golden anthropomorphic hedgehog fighting a giant water creature[/url] then [url=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34900000/-V-S-Perfect-Dark-Gaia-sonic-the-hedgehog-34950064-1024-724.jpg]The same golden figure fighting a giant, multi-eyed, tentacle monster.[/url] and finally a [url=https://pm1.narvii.com/6645/e66a8c4e6aa8beee6595544bd51c64beb0abd47e_hq.jpg]large, bird-like monstrosity, fighting 3 golden hedgehogs.[/url] "Get me those Emeralds and i get you your god-killer." He looked around at everyone. "Say what you like about me relying on those Emeralds, but in my experience, conventional weapons don't work on people like this. If i could just build a Death Egg and vaporize him, i would, but if what she's saying is true, then not only do we not have the time, it wouldn't work anyway." He eyed the woman up. "So, can i have my Emeralds?"