[center][h1][b][color=ed1c24]Wednesday, 13th of August 3:15PM Year 3596 3rd age[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/1a3b/f/2017/270/3/4/dragon_s_area_by_olcharlieboi-dbopcam.jpg[/img][/center] After a very long and hard journey, having taken many, many days for all of them. A group of four people emerge from a mountain pass seeing a large valley before them from their raised elevation they would have a great line of sight to the spectical before them. It would be late afternoon around three o'clock. Within this huge Valley there would be a lake to the north near the base of a mountain surrounded by overgrown ruins of what appears to of been a town and thick hills, to the south a very unnatural looking swamp as if it was artificially created, to the far west there would be towering walls surrounding a castle like structure that has slight vines and moss growing on the outside as if the place has not been maintained at all in hundreds of years, it would be sitting on the edge of a large cliff that skirts the ocean, a small beach at the bottom, and to just north of this would be a gorgeous waterfall flowing down from the mountains. These four people who have came to this hidden away valley, are a miss match bunch who have came to this location to become the future apprentices of a mysterious wizard simply known as The Dragon, and that his is one of the eldest of the wizards in existence from anything that is found written about him. Before they would have much to even speak about their view a gigantic Shadow passes over them, a Giant red dragon high in the sky, big enough it could pick up two of them at once in one of it's big hand like feet. It would simply pass over them flying towards the castle before taking a turn towards the mountains towards the south, towards a bunch of caverns in-bedded in the mountain where their nests are. The future apprentices are fairly worn out from the journey and have options of trying to find a place to camp for the evening and possible greet each other since they meet only a short moment ago, or to push on towards the castle, which the distance would still be a two day travel on foot from the pass, judged by eyeing the distance, so rushing the journey could cause the group to run into trouble. [center][h1][b][color=ed1c24]Mysterious Traveler[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dishonoredvideogame/images/f/fc/Horse1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140404215427[/img][/center] However before the group could decide on the best choice of action, they would hear the clip-clop of horse hooves, and the wooden sounds of a carriage. It would first be echoing slightly around them thanks to the pass before a carriage appears from behind, at first it would just be a simple shape of a carriage. When it gets close it would appear to be very much like the carriage of a noble, very extravagant, though it is very worn down like it hasn't been taken care of well. The most shocking thing though would be whats pulling the carriage, they look like clockwork horses. For those with some slight magical knowledge they would be a type of Golem with many moving parts. The rider would be wearing a full body black cloak making it impossible to tell who or what they are from a distance. The carriage would pull up to the side of them, the upwards angle giving them the means to glance under the hood revealing a wooden face. It was another type of golem, but this one could speak as it spoke "Why hello there" it's voice would sound similir to a very old butler who's been around for some time. "Why would there be four young people in this valley at such a time?" The strange golem would ask the four before him, it's face always seeming to smile. "I do hope your not here for the master.. his been in a offly bad state for some time" the golem would seem to just mutter.