[i]If only I had more time...[/i] That had been the last thought in my head. The realization of what was happening had barely struck me before the moment of impact had occurred. I didn't feel anything, thankfully. I had a moment of understanding, which was horrible. But I didn't actually feel it. I understood what was about to happen to my body, I understood I was about to die. I understood, in that moment in the air as the truck's enormous wheel bore down towards me, who had done this to me. There was some solace in the fact that the scumbag was going to face the law for this. But that was hardly enough in face of my incoming violent death. Everything I wasn't going to get to do flashed through my mind. They say you see your whole life flash before your eyes, but I somehow managed to see everything I'd never experience. Having a wife. A family. Moving up in the world. I'd never see Nanako's face again, huh... ... If only I'd had more time... ... [i]Ravy[/i] I didn't understand what went through my mind at that moment. Ravy? It sounded like a name. But why was a name going through my mind? ... Why was I still thinking, for that matter? Had I reached the afterlife? I didn't disbelieve in such things, but I wasn't exactly avidly into the supernatural either. Hold it. Something was majorly wrong. I could feel air whipping past my body with every moment. It was like I was in a wind storm. But that wasn't all... I was- "Falling?!" My eyes snapped open, and for a moment my heart stopped dead. I was hundreds of feet in the air, above a sea of green. It looked like a forest. But really, there wasn't any time to think about the fact I was suddenly above a forest when I was [i]hurtling through the air towards my death[/i]! "WHY?!" I cried in terror, some part of my brain registering that my voice sounded completely different and then filing that information away swiftly to be used later in the event I wasn't reduced to a red paste against the the earth. I could comprehend how I was still alive, but the fact was that wasn't going to matter much longer if I didn't do... do... What could I do?! How did I survive this?! Was this some sort of awful dying dream!? Who did I make angry to have this as the last thing going through my head?! But, before I could die twice before even coming to understand my situation, I suddenly was given salvation. Something was in my hand. Something I could grasp and take a hold of. On instinct, without even comprehending just what it was, my fingers snapped into position and I grasped it. Whatever it was felt strange, rigid, almost like a cat's whisker but a thousand times larger. It hung down under my weight, but I immediately reached up to latch both hands onto the object, looking upwards. The fact my hands were oddly small and delicate didn't quite register to me at the moment, filed away with my voice. No, no, what really took all of my attention was the fact that my rescuer... ... Was a dragon. There was no mistaking it. This was definitely some sort of dragon. My eyes widened and my mouth opened and shut several times as my impromptu ride swiftly descended towards to earth. The landing wasn't exactly gentle. By which I mean I was swung about, eyes shut tight and my voice coming out as a terrified squeak. Which was strange, because while I didn't exactly have a deep voice I wasn't known for squeaking before. I was a grown man, after all. Grown men weren't the squeaking type. But when I came to a halt... I heard the dragon. The dragon was talking to me. He was asking me to let go before I tore it off. There was a moment in which I didn't even understand what he was talking about, but slowly my mind caught up to my situation and I realized he meant his whisker. "... A... ah... yeah..." I trialed off, both of my hands still shaking as I released his face from my fearful death grip. My heart was still pounding in my chest. Just a few moments ago, I thought my heart was going to stop beating in general, but now it was proving it was alive and kicking. "... W... w-wait... I..." My voice was totally different. Now that my life was not about to end, I was capable of understanding this. It was... cute? The sort of light, childish, soft voice I could almost expect from some kind of cutesy anime character. I had to be out of it or something, right? But then my eyes traveled to my hands. My tiny, pale, delicate hands. My... small, childish body... the cute dress I was wearing... And I felt something swishing behind me. Frantically I looked over my shoulder and saw a tail. "... Th... that's..." I raised my hands to my head. My lengthy hair was up in long pigtails, and on closer inspection I realized it was also silver rather then black. "... I-I'm a little girl?!" I exclaimed, staring down at myself. Yes, yes, indeed, I had become a little girl. With a tail. I hadn't the faintest clue what the tail was about, but the fact I had become a little girl was quite obvious. "No... this can't be real, right? This is a scenario so utterly stupid it can't possibly be real. Oh, of course, about to get hit by a truck? Become a little girl to escape! That certainly makes plenty of sense, right?" My heartbeat had only quickened by now. My legs were shaking and I felt weak. Ah... were those tears in my eyes? Suddenly, my legs simply gave out, and I collapsed onto my rear end, staring at my hands. "I... I... I'm a little girl... a-and I almost died... I... almost..."