[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oiSJ6L9.png[/img] [h3][color=f26522]*<:Location:_Onboard_Resurgence:>*[/color][/h3] [color=f26522][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [@mattmanganon], (Everyone Else) [/center] [hr][hr] [quote=Doctor Eggman]"So, can I have my Emeralds?"[/quote] [color=f26522][b]"There are no emeralds."[/b][/color] Samus declared as she stepped up to challenge the lanky scientist. [color=f26522][b]"Considering how we're all in an alternate universe, the likeliness of them existing here are slim. And even so, it's even less-likely that they would be in our nearby reach."[/b][/color] The bounty hunter would then proceed to slowly walk towards Eggman, as her armor thumped against the cold metallic floor. She had already assumed a more assertive stance on this matter... almost as if she's confident with her information. [color=f26522][b]"Besides,"[/b][/color] she continued as she got closer to the scientist, [color=f26522][b]"Who would trust such beacons of power to a person being friends with a genocidal robotics engineer and a tyrannical turtle king?"[/b][/color] Samus would stop just inches from Eggman's face as she glared him down with a cold and commanding presence. [color=f26522][b]"I may not not know everything about you Doc,"[/b][/color] the bounty hunter said in a lowered voice but still audible enough for nearby neighbors to listen in, [color=f26522][b]"But I know enough. And what I do know is that giving you the emeralds would be a grave mistake for someone as power-hungry and hypocritical like you."[/b][/color] She would then point her metallic finger and jab it firmly into the doctor's chest. [color=f26522][b]"And in this universe,"[/b][/color] Samus growled, [color=f26522][b]"You are no longer the top boss."[/b][/color] A light sheen would brush a sliver off of her visor, vaguely revealing an outline of her left eye hidden in the artificial green. [color=f26522][b]"So Know. Your. Place."[/b][/color]