[center][hider=Yancy] [b]Hey kid, what’s your name?[/b] [color=yellow]"Yancy Yogel ...What's so funny? Yes, that's my name! What, I didn't choose it!"[/color] *grumbles about Mom and Dad* [b]Huh, interesting...you look more like a...[/b] [h3][i]?[/i][/h3] [b]Depth perception is kind of a problem for me. Why don’t you save me the trouble and tell me how you look?[/b] [color=yellow]"It's not like I'm hard to spot. Just look for the barrel-chested guy who looks bored out of his mind. Fat? No way! I played bit of football in Phoenix I assure you this build comes from practice on the field! Or... at least it used to. I'm about, 5-foot-6ish? About 180 pounds last time I was on the scale? Sounds about right... give or take. I got sandy brown hair like my dad, but I usually keep it buzzed or shaved on the sides. I let the top stay a little long and comb it back all slick like. What's that style called? Undercut, that's it! Oh, but I have eyes like my mom. Some days it looks a shade of green, but other days it might look a shade of blue. There's a name for it, but I forget what it is."[/color] [b]How old are you anyway?[/b] [color=yellow]"16, or is there something funny about that, too?"[/color] [b]Why don’t you lay your past on me? What are you even doing here?[/b] [color=yellow]"Well, we moved to Oregon about 2 years ago. Originally we lived in Phoenix but moved here when Dad got promoted to manage a branch office in nearby Portland. What's he do? Not sure, something about systems... or security? Anyway, we've lived here in Gravity Falls since then... look, no offense, but this place is so boooooring. Like, seriously! Just a bunch of woods and tourist traps! Er, anyway, school's okay I guess. Lot less crowded than where I used to go so, I guess that's a plus. Huh? Mom? She's a seamstress, makes dresses and sells 'em online, she says she likes having the extra time to herself at the house. Personally, I think she's just as bored as I am but won't say it out loud unlike yours truly. Oh, uh, me? I mean, well, back in Phoenix I used to like going to the arcades... at least the ones that hadn't closed down. Yeah, I already know we got an arcade here. It's about the only place I can go around here that doesn't drive me batty. Wait, what am [i]I[/i] doing here, you mean? Well as it happens I wanted to make some extra change on the side before school starts so I figured I'd check around and see who's hiring. I heard that Mystery Shack place is usually looking for extra hands... maybe I'll try there."[/color] [b]Anything else you wanna share? Go for it![/b] [color=yellow]"Truth be told? I'm really just trying to get by until I'm old enough to move out. If I'm lucky maybe I'll be able to move back to Phoenix. Don't tell my mom I said that!"[/color] [b][i]~Illuminati[/i][/b] [/hider][/center]