Lizard Fighter waited patiently for the Guild Girl to do up the paperwork to register the Adventurer's for a menial job that anyone in town could do. Why [b]was[/b] this job registered to the Guild? were people that lazy? She did explain that they couldn't grab multiple quests at once, supply and demand of the quests. Someone could be after an easy job like the Ditch or Patrol after a tougher job. It made sense, which earned the woman a shrug. The woman then continued on, explaining what they were to do to get the job started. Leave through the East Gate and contact a guard who was stationed. Easy enough. [color=red]"Thanks."[/color] He stated before nodding and leaving the counter to approach the two young women. One hiding behind her mug, the other still as floofed as when she poked him. [color=red]"I'm going to assume by your beaming face she accepted?"[/color] He questioned while glancing between the two. [color=red]"We're to go out the East Gate and contact a guard. They'll tell us what we're to clean up and where to put it."[/color] He explained as he checked what little gear he had. His weapons were snug in their sheathe and loop. His pouch was secure on his belt, his armor and clothes were in order. Aside from possibly a Stamina Potion he didn't think he'd need any medicines. This was all until the two girls decided to get going, he hadn't planned on being the party leader so they'd set the pace.