[@Spectral][@Saltwater Thief][@medalliah][@AdmrlStalfos19][@13org][@Duoya] Alright here is an important bit of information so listen up. To make sure things do not grind to a standstill at the very start, your characters will not have their powers awakened right at the start and instead will have already been granted their power, this will also insure that everyone has their memories completely intact with their backgrounds at this point in time if monsters are involved. Doing it this way I don't have to waste time with a bunch of exposition and we can skip a slow start; However, if there is someone who would like to have their character gain their powers during the start of the role play I could possibly let one or maybe even two have their first contact with [i]The Entity[/i] and be gifted their abilities. If anyone wants to go that route, speak up now as space is limited.