Lucien couldn't deny that Faolan was right. Maybe there [i]was[/i] something out there that could hurt him but he wouldn't really know about that until it happened. He honestly couldn't think of any possibilities though. [color=burlywood]"It's possible.. but in terms of lore I don't know if there's anything angels are weak to aside from well.. being corrupted.. I guess? Sure.. I'm half human too but, I honestly don't know how much that changes in regards to that. I didn't get too much of a chance to explore this kind of stuff."[/color] Considering angels could fall, it's not like he could say they were completely invulnerable, but that was more of a psychological thing. Either way it wasn't like he had anyone he could ask about this. His father wasn't around, and the priests were a little.. biased. So he really was on his own when it came to this stuff. [color=burlywood]"Oh, there's this too."[/color] He said, pulling out the relic from under his shirt. [color=burlywood]"This is a.. relic.. that was my father left to me. It's supposed to 'protect' me from evil, I found out after a few years of being given this that I could use it to create barriers."[/color] He explained, before extending his hands a little. The relic glowed slightly against his neck, and a medium sized barrier formed around him, shimmering slightly against the light. [color=burlywood]"[i]This[/i] I did get to practice often back at the church."[/color]