The idea of that was not something Lucien was particularly fond of. He would have definitely lost all hope of freedom by that point.. he was just glad he had been able to get out of there before any of that happened. He glanced up at Faolan at his last comment, thinking back to when he had saved him. Had.. it really been that bad? It was good that he had acted when he did if that was the case, but he couldn't help but grow more curious about it. He chuckled at Faolan's next comment, a little amused. [color=burlywood]"Good to know, but I'd probably at least let you know."[/color] He wouldn't want the man to get worried after all. Lucien had maintained his hovering throughout the majority of this conversation, occasionally going a little higher and lower as he spoke, though he couldn't deny he was beginning to grow tired. Perhaps it was because he hadn't really got to use them before. With the small moment of silence that followed, Lucien's thoughts went back to considering Faolan's.. silver situation. [color=burlywood]"Is silver really that dangerous for you? I've read about allergies before but.. the reaction I saw was.. pretty extreme.."[/color] He couldn't help but ask. It was good of him to know for the future, since he'd probably want to keep the man away from it.