The monstrous figure washed over the scene of the freshly killed kobold and the supposed trap in the ornate room with a snarly breath. Jowls wrinkled and eyes bright, wide with malicious intent, it seemed the hungering beast was displeased that there was no further does to dispatch. As enthralled as Brannor was, almost a shambling echo of himself and otherwise unrecognizable, some part of the once-man was still Keen enough to recognize this place was of importance. It made the moontouched quiver with anger, another interruption in its pursuit, another stall to its hunt, its calling. Yet the delay was enough to settle the wilder side some and provoke the striped giant to crouch over and examine the recent kill. It was not that of it or anyone else and that raised all too many questions. It seemed... unrelated to the rest of the room and it was still fresh, faintly warm even, and filled the muzzle with its metallic, aromatic tone, but it likely proved useless. [i]"Useless..."[/i] The champion spat, looking back to the half-blood after. It was clear there was no disagreement to be had either. They kept moving or they took a moment to rest and there was no doubt as to what the ferocious servant of the [i]Pale Lady[/i] preferred. Particularly not as the silver necklace it bore dangled menacingly over the fallen dragonkin. [Hider=Rolls] Brannor rolls a [url=]2[/url] for his Investigation check into the kobold and if it seems relevant.[/hider] [@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Zverda][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen]