[sub][h3][center]Interview #4: [color=#38547C]Keaton[/color], [color=orange]Radvi[/color], and [color=B0E0E6]Griffin[/color][/center][/h3][/sub][hr] “We’ll start with whatever you can tell me about the events leading up to the body being found by Mister Anderson. From your perspective.” Radvi began. “Mister Anderson… the boy, right?” Keaton asked, looking between the two detectives. “Yes.” Radvi replied, “Archie Anderson. The one involved with… well, last week’s mess.” “Nothing really. I just met him, was talking with the others when he screamed. Then we saw the body, and I decided to walk away.” Radvi sighed, pausing a moment, passing Griffin a glance. “Regarding last week, do you have any knowledge of what may have been taking place besides Mister Anderson’s ‘outburst’? Involving the deceased.” Griffin was standing quietly in the corner, leaning gently into the wall. His arms were crossed over his chest and his eyes bore straight into Keaton as she spoke. He stood about ten feet away, respectful but still within range in case she got uppity. Keaton traced the man’s glance to the boy. Mind Reader? Not sure, but he was standing awfully far away. Did his powers work at a distance? “No, I got out of the cafeteria pretty quick last week,” she said, her eyes flicking between the two before settling on the one farther away. “I don’t have the powers for that stuff.” “The body belonged to one of our doctors.” Radvi continued, “Arthur Coleman. From what we understand, one of the other members of your group from last night encountered him during last week’s incident. Has Miss Nelson mentioned any details regarding this with you?” “Well that’s news to me. You have my file right? So you know that I just got here last week, that I didn’t know anything about powers, even mine, for long before that?” “I hadn’t personally read your file, no.” Radvi replied, “From what I understand, you… make very accurate observations. Is that right?” Keaton stared at him. Was he trying to psych her out? Trip her up? They wouldn’t need to do that if they had a mind reader. And, judging by the boy she’d been staring at, it didn’t seem like the two were communicating. Now, telepathy… that was up in the air. “I think my file would answer a lot of your questions, but yeah, something like that,” she said. Another pause from Radvi as he sat and thought for a moment. “You didn’t see the body yourself, did you?” He asked. Keaton raised her brows. “No, I didn’t see the body alone, but yeah, I saw the body.” “And you, as well as Miss Holmes and Miss Nelson, left the scene afterwards, after Miss Ellis reported it to Cara.” Radvi said, “Do you have any inclination as to why the other two left?” Well, they for sure had information, and not from her. From the others? Keaton doubted Lynn would talk after she said… Her eyes flicked to the boy again. So, they had information, probably from a witness, or from cameras. Probably no mind reader, or their questions would have been redundant. To hide a mind reader? It’d be more intimidating to have a public one, prompted honesty, so probably not. Her thoughts were her own then. “I can’t say I know why they left, no,” she said. Another pause. “No one else besides Miss Nelson expressed any knowledge of the body’s identity, correct?” Keaton wasn’t sure who ‘Miss Nelson’ was, but it didn’t matter really. She could guess. “Correct.” Radvi tapped his fingers on the surface of the table, turning slightly to face Griffin. He gave him an inquisitive look, but wasn’t met with any returning assurance. “Alright.” Radvi said, standing up. “That’ll be all for the time being. Griffin, you can see her back to the reception area.” At this point Keaton was sure the boy wasn’t a mind reader, but she couldn’t be sure he didn’t have a related power. Whatever the case, one thing was for sure: He wasn’t going to touch her. She’d learned that lesson with Jeira the first day. The interview was simple enough, though out of everyone Griffin found himself not trusting Keaton the most. Perhaps the way she answered the questions, or kept shifting her eyes to him. He pushed himself off the wall and opened the door, peering towards the girl. [color=B0E0E6]”This way Miss Plasse.”[/color] He gestured towards the door and stood just outside of it. His dark blue eyes never leaving her. Keaton walked towards the indicated door, not liking any of this. Frankly, the interview was extremely unproductive and felt more like a fishing expedition than anything. Or was it routine? She’d declined to properly walk them through the events step-by-step when asked, but they could have insisted. On the other hand, though, they had information they were going by already, so they didn’t need any from her, didn’t think they did. The others that went before her had answered their questions. That wasn't surprising. Following wherever the model-like boy led, Keaton rubbed her right index over her thumbnail. That was it, right? No more questions? She was free to go? The walk to the reception area was quiet, Griffin choosing to keep it so instead of making conversation. He didn’t truly blame the girl for being so guarded with her answers but had hoped she would have been more trusting. He supposed there might have been something in her past that kept her from seeking help from authority. Soon enough they arrived back in the reception area and Griffin gestured to the chairs. [color=B0E0E6]”Return to a seat of your choice, but do not leave the building. That’s your only warning for that.[/color] He shot a look to Archie and gave a nod before turning and walking back down the corridor from whence he came. Keaton picked a random seat, watching him leave as she sat. So it wasn’t over. Or was it? There was no reason why they couldn’t have finished questioning her in a single session, and it wasn’t like she had any more information to give either. Looking around at the others in the waiting room, who were also still here despite having finished their interviews, Keaton figured they probably weren’t being kept around for another round of questioning. Not about what’d already been covered, at least. So, it was just a matter of waiting now. A few chairs to her left was the girl who’d cried wolf, who was currently staring at the ground. Keaton looked to the now-empty hallway, then back at the girl. Her call had done nothing, just as Keaton’s choice to walk away had done nothing, so Keaton was willing to look past it. At the end of the day, they were still on the same team. “Hey, you good?” she asked, her voice soft. “And, uh, I don’t think we got introduced yesterday, with everything that happened. I’m Keaton.”