[hider=Khan] [b]Character[/b] Name: Khan Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/48/3a/e0483ac2f1592af146dcd923a833275c.png[/img] Personality: Dark, scornful, cold, remorseless. Biography: Khan adores his stone more than his own life. He kills without mercy and feels no pain from it. His psychopath nature makes his lust for blood higher, and his hate for other life stronger. He hates all walks of life that is not his own, and wishes to control those who defied him, and slaughter those who wronged him. Dark to the core and corrupted by madness, Khan had been consumed by his stone. It speaks to him mentally. Asking him to do things. He always listens to it. Gifted by creation, and driven by ambition and hatred, he follows the stone like a god, master, or leader. [b]Summons[/b] [hider=Maurauder] Name: Marauder Tier: E Appearance: [img]https://i.neoseeker.com/ca/dead_space_conceptart_DOwhR.jpg[/img] Personality: Hateful, Bloodlust, Murderous. Abilities: None Summoning cost: Human corpse, 2-3 animal bones, blood ritual. Biography: These human-like creatures are quite stupid and weak. They move about as fast as a human walking and are as smart as dead corpses. They are the most unimpressive of Kahn's summons, but are cheap and easy to make, which gives them their quantity over quality. They overwhelm their enemies with sheer numbers. Normally outnumbering their foes 5-1, which makes them a valuable force for Khan. [/hider] [hider=Reaver] Name: Reaver Tier: D Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/59/2a/a4/592aa47c0e7230d0ab27ccc5974cbb18.jpg[/img] Personality: Hateful, Bloodlust, Murderous. Abilities: These creatures can hover 1-2 feet off the ground and shift towards victims to attack. They have two blade-like apendages that allow them to slash at prey. They are fast and deal plenty of damage, but are weak and easy to kill. Summoning Cost: Human (or) Animal corpse, 2 pounds of animal flesh, 4-9 animal bones, animal organ, blood ritual. Biography: These human-sized creatures are fast, deadly, and smart. They can shift through 1-3 feet of non-solid matter every 2-5 minuets and use their scythe-like arms to attack other creatures. These nimble creatures can fit through small spaces and hide in little crevices. They hunt in packs of 3-5, and prefer to assault humans with 7 or more Marauders. They assassinate their victims and slaughter innocents. They do not care for humans or their feelings. This makes them remorseless killers. [/hider] [hider=Mind snare] Name: Mind snare Tier: C Appearance: [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/wdFDEX0cWGqfYwGYYITHrZb_2_S1_YDhIivY7fNgomO8DDAFcMGRT1iyRC-6Y5YY1Zlla3E0-vnX2G-C-K7kdge7IIxM12RCNIN5Jw0opoZYnH5WmA0dbUlb89U_q7QubvRwTbp-[/img] Personality: Hateful, Bloodlust, Murderous. Abilities: The Mind snare can stab a living creature with its tail and connect its nervous system to the affected target which allows it to take full control of its victim. If its victim is killed, it dies. If it dies, its victim dies. It cannot affect creatures that have psionic power stronger than it (Summoners included). After 1-2 hours of controlling the target, it can still remain in control of its target, but it does not need to be connected to it. Additionally, the target is injected with a mutagen that turns their body into one of the many flesh horrors at little to no cost, however, it still requires control points to be created. Otherwise, it remains attached to the Mind snare. Summoning cost: Human corpse, 1-2 animal sacrifices, 5 pounds of animal flesh, 34-50 animal bones, advanced blood ritual. Biography: These psionically powerful creatures are strong, hard to kill and intelligent. They are weak on their own, but can cause major chaos to those who are weak. [/hider] [/hider] This is just a prototype. More is coming in. And, yes. The art is Dead space, and No. I did NOT make any of the art. Credit to the artists