"Yuri Monmusu~ Yuri Monmusu~" Kaoru sang, practically dancing down the street. It was finally the release of Yuri Monmusu Ni: The Silkweb Story. It was the long anticipated sequel to Yuri Monmusu: Through Darkness comes Light. Kaoru in particular was excited because the main antagonist, Lady Ashewell Silkweb, was set to be the protagonist this time! It was early in the morning so that meant one thing. "I have all today to play!" The college student cheered while heading towards the trains quickly. Sadly, the game just wasn't downloadable even with all the modern amenities of the internet so one must go to the store to pick it up. That however is how tragedy befalls Kaoru. In an attempt to make it home faster, Kaoru took a side street. Construction was going on here but one could still get by them through a small passage allowed for foot traffic. As the Otaku passed by some weird things happened. A brick crumbled to dust, the edge of a jack hammer chipped off and flew in Kaoru's direct, a steel beam rolled off the top of the pyramid where it was sitting and lastly Kaoru almost stepped in a pothole. In response to all of this, Kaoru merely looked on with worried eyes and spoke inwardly. "I'd really hate to have this for my job with all this stuff happening." All in all, Kaoru came out of the experience unscathed. That however was just the tip of the iceberg however. Moving back on to another street, the Otaku continued towards the station when an old lady's voice from above could be heard. "Oh criminy! That darn AC fell again!" As Kaoru looked up there would be a noticeable object falling at a high rate of speed. There was no reaction time fast enough to get fully out of the way of the on-coming object and it crashed into Kaoru. There was a great pain in the student's chest as a heavy old model window AC unit rested there. There was an amount of blood spilling onto the ground as Kaoru's hands clutched the game in them. "I'm sorry. Lady... Ashewell." With a slow closing of the eyes, that was the death of one Kaoru Ushikata. [hr] "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Kaoru screamed. This was a weird dream for sure. Falling? Well, this wasn't the first time in this sort of dream. What was the meaning of falling in dreams again? Insecurities? Yes, something like that. What was there to do? Kaoru flailed around for a little until something weird happened. Some weird feeling came from behind. Not so much getting hit by something but rather shooting something out. "Uwaaaaahh!?" Soon though the world started to move different. Instead of the ground coming to meet Kaoru it started to move to the side before eventually going away again. There was a pit growing in Kaoru's stomach as the same scene started to repeat itself until finally there was a certain realization. "Am I spinning around something?" Eventually the spinning came to a stop and Kaoru was just hanging in midair teen feet off the ground before a loud audible [i]snap[/i] was heard and the Otaku smacked into the ground feeling naught but a small bit of pain. "Owowow." Kaoru said, pushing up off the ground. "What the hell kind of dream is this?" Thinking on the death defying spinning that was just done, Kaoru couldn't remember many of the dreams that went like this. Hell, how could this happen? Humans couldn't do anything to make them spin around a tree like that! Well, it was a dream after all. Perhaps that had something to do with it. A hand went to Kaoru's head and massaged it a bit, trying to relieve some of the stress from what just happened... "Geez, my hand feels glossy. That's weird." Taking a look, Kaoru discovered something... Interesting. "Ehh? Eeeeeehhhhh?! What the hell? What's with my arm? It's all glossy and like... I don't know what it's like!" Kaoru looked around noticing many things different. "What with my chest?! My hair?!" Pure white hair and a somewhat large chest. Two things that weren't there before. "Wait..." Kaoru then noticed something even weirder when trying to stand. "My legs are... There's... Eight?" Kaoru twisted "her" new body around to take a look behind. A spidery abdomen and eight legs. Hell, her vision was even... She furrowed her brow and reached up with a hand to feel. There were in fact eight eyes. "Ummm... Ok. This is a weird dream. did I turn into a Drider or something? I must be having the weirdest most lucid dream I've even had. This is probably just because I'm too excited for Yuri Monmusu Ni. I'm just dreaming that I'm like Ashewell. A good silly dream." Kaoru just expected that a good silly dream would disappear soon after it was discovered to be one but that didn't happen. Kaoru waited a minute for something to happen but nothing did. Against her better judgement, Kaoru tried standing. It was extremely awkward at first but. Standing and walking came naturally, truthfully. Well, it did after some grueling trial and error. It was refreshing somehow. The Drider started walking in a direction to make sure there were no problems with her legs. After that fall, it wouldn't be surprising if issues arose. Instead of any bodily issues, however, there was one problem practically staring her in the face as she walked through the tree line. There were a ton of things here. A man, a sheep, a girl? Another girl and a little devil girl? It was hard to make out at this distance. She wasn't sure if introductions were the best idea or not. Well, she was well enough to run should the need arise. "Umm. Hello there?" The look on her face at the moment was "confused" if one wanted to be generous. "Worried" if not.