The OOC is up! It's under construction, but please feel free to post sheets so we can look at them for approval purposes! [quote=@Red X] Tentatively I'm going to create an Eternal with powers similar to Hyperion and Sentry. If we are not permitted to create Eternals then I will change the species of my character to something more fitting for the game. Basically, I trying to create a character similar to DC's Supergirl set in a Marvel Universe. [/quote] I think an Eternal should be fine. I'll wait to see your sheet, but I'm sure it'll be fine! [@Stern Algorithm] Ken and I looked over your sheet together, and I think it looks fine! I do have one request. Due to how different your character looks (i.e., being part shrimp), do you think you could change from a mutant to an Inhuman? I know the OOC is up, but don't post in the char tab quite yet.