Lucien raised his eyebrows slightly upon hearing that Faolan had a little sister. It was the first he had heard Faolan mention anything about family, and while a part of him wanted to inquire further, he decided against it. Maybe he would ask at another time. [color=burlywood]"I see, well it's a good thing you aren't. I think there are a good amount of foods you might miss out on if you were."[/color] He commented, before heading over to his bag and shuffling through it for a moment, pulling out his small journal. [color=burlywood]"There are a few things I've been meaning to ask you. I wrote down a few words you've used that I don't quite understand, would you mind explaining those to me?"[/color] He asked. Considering he hadn't heard of them before, he supposed it was some form of Irish slang he was unfamiliar with. If he was going to be travelling with Faolan he did want to be able to learn a bit of his language and the way he spoke. It was a nice way to get to know him, and also a good way to pass the time if they were going to go on the road again.