Pylia held her side while Buddy seemed to lean against his axe in a tired manner. Strange how he seems more emotive now that he wad been so close to death. "Shortfang fine, but not safe here. We go!" With no disagreements, your party as well as Skinwalker's scouts would return to Underhaven. It was hard to say how long you've been gone except that by the time you showed up, it looked like the frontlines had been under attack. There were a lot of dead troglodytes as well as a few dead kobolds, however the three sewer dragons were still up and able, and it seemed like the kobolds were getting ready to move out. Many of them were armed with spears, short blades, and bows. No sign of Shor and his team however. None of the scouts sent to investigate seemed to have returned yet either. The air was thick with tension in Underhaven itself. Many of the women and children seemed to have gathered near the square listening to their shaman say some sort of prayer. The men and a few women kobolds were receiving blessings and getting their weapons maintained. Your party went their separate ways for now. Buddy stayed near the entrance, his arms at his side and his axe near his hand as he often is when he is simply standing around. Shortfang went back to his mother's home. Pylia seemed to have gone to assist healing the wounded. None of the kobolds paid you much mind, not even the guards who were trying to get some last minute training in.