Lucien repeated the word under his breath as Faolan corrected his pronunciation. It was a little embarrassing to be honest, but he couldn't expect to get it right on the first try. He'd work up to it. As Faolan explained things to him, he jotted down notes next to the words, so he'd be sure not to forget them, though he was pretty sure he'd be able to remember. It didn't hurt to be too prepared. [color=burlywood]"There's a lot of general.. slang that I'm unfamiliar with, but duly noted."[/color] He said. [color=burlywood]"I know my pronunciation is fairly bad.. but I'll try to get it right. If you don't mind, in our free time, would you teach me Irish? Learning new languages was something I did enjoy doing back at the church."[/color] He asked, glancing down at his notes. There was still one word he hadn't asked him about, the one he hadn't told him the meaning to back at the ship. [color=burlywood]"Oh and there's poufter, too. Would you tell me what that means now?"[/color] He asked, lifting his gaze back to the man. Since they were on the topic, he figured he might as well ask.