[quote=@redbaron1234] OKay! Finally got this done: [hider= Leslie Sobero ] Name:Leslie Sobero Age: 25 Species: Sika Deer Appearance: Leslie, like many in her family, is covered in a series of white spots on brown fur, though she has a few large patches of black fur on her forearms and back of the neck. Her face is solid brown save for a white fringe around her lips. She clearly works out, and anyone that sees her in plainclothes will easily spot how toned she is. This compliments her taller than average hieght, though she is not one to bulk up in strength training. Height:5'11" Weight: 180lbs Personality: Leslie is always on the lookout for potential problems, and how to deal with said problems. Between her training as both a GEAR pilot and handling explosives and other equipment, her natural focus, discipline, and meticulousness have served her well so far, and her ambition for promotions means that she holds her behavior to a high standard. History: The Sobero family have been in the mining industry for over four generations. Starting as a group of brothers operating out of a shed, the Sobero Corporation has become a powerhouse of the Solernian economy. From the tunnels that connect the nation to the Republic of Felaria to the iron that makes the rebar in countless buildings, there is no corner of the country that has not been touched by the Sobero Corporation. This meant that Leslie wanted for nothing growing up, from the best schooling to finest food to the most comfortable clothes. As the only daughter and youngest of 6 children, she was treated more like a doll to be pampered than a person, and she loathed it. When she asked for a burger from a fast-food joint that her classmates liked, she got a gourmet version made by a celebrity chef with the finest of organic ingredients. One day before school she mentioned wanting to see a new movie with friends, and when she came home a copy had already been delivered to the family's theater for her private viewing pleasure a week early. She said she wanted to go camping, and her family made sure that their campground still had a full compliment of staff on hand even as far as having someone make the s'mores for her. In short, she was almost as smothered as a canary in a coal mine. This wasn't helped by her own natural determination, which further made her chafe against the coddling. While she didn't have the natural academic or athletic gift of others, she made up for it with sheer drive. When she received her first bicycle, she was able to switch to two wheels within a month of practice, despite countless bruises and scrapes. She even went as far as to practice after dark by putting her bike on a treadmill, much to the alarm of the help. This soon developed into a competitive streak that meant that she more than held her own in many a school competition her parents signed her up for. This didn't go unnoticed on her parents, who were already talking about how she would be a natural businesswoman, fit to help guide the company to even further greatness, once she went to the university of their choice. However, she had to disappoint them. Even though she held no ill will towards her family for the strong guidance, the military called to her. The egalitarian nature of the organization and the chance to see more of the world appealed to a girl that had been treated with padded gloves her entire life. It was a place where she could prove herself from the start, and gain respect naturally and organically. Her family name meant little. If she got into trouble it would be on her to deal with the consequences and, most importantly, any she could say that this was something she chose to do entirely on her own. Signing up for Combat Engineering training, she worked her tail off to be in the top of her class. The day she earned her stripes was easily her proudest. With her attitude, it was going to be a fast track to promotion up the chain of command. However, she was disappointed. It took over a year of waiting and near constant drilling to receive her first major mission, and she is more than eager to prove herself. Hobbies & Interests: - Music, especially electronica - Fine Art and paintings - Puzzles, brainteasers, and riddles - Performance vehicles, especially cars Personal Gear & Equipment: [list] [*] GEAR Pilot suit and helmet [*] Pebble [*] Powered Omni Tool [*] Multi-tool [*] M23, Carbine Configuration, Laser sight, and reflex sight [*] M8 Pistol [*] M2 Combat Knife [*] Folding Entrenching Tool [*] Personal Survival Kit [*] Remote Explosive Breaching Charges [*] Grenade pouch with a mix of fragmentation, smoke, and flashbang grenades [/list] [/hider] [/quote] Leslie looks fine, please feel free to post her to the characters' tab ^^ I'll add her details to the OP in the OOC to round out the cast too. (Given the supposedly hand-picked nature of the unit, whoever Silverwind's boss was, they seemed to be going for Charlie's Angels given by the number of lovely ladies we have, haha)