[center][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color] Level 5 - (24/50) EXP +2 New Ability [hider=Voice Cords 2]Greater understanding of the Suffering's vocalizations has allowed Blazermate to improve her own. She can now issue complicated directions to and effectively control minor undead, and any undead that are part of her Swarm. She can also expend a chunk of stamina to force impulses upon greater undead. In addition, development of the vocal cords allows her to unleash a loud roar from the part that can cause intense pain to foes' ears at close range.[/hider] Location: Charnal Lane Word Count: 752 [/center] Many of Blazermate's cohorts were able to dodge the ent's shockwave, and even more capitalized on her pointing out its weak point on the back. Although things didn't go super well, the monster did take quite a hit and was really angry at getting hit so hard. Nero felt most of the pain of the retaliation of the ent, as it knocked him off and splat the guy and with a weird goo that paralyzed him, while firing off more globs at everyone, while summoning new minions and letting off another shockwave. The minions worried Blazermate more than the shots of gunk, at least at the start. While Blazermate could dodge the first attack, the second glob hit Blazermate dead on, smacking her backwards into her engineer nest. While she took the damage from the exploding globule, unlike the others the paralysis effect didn't affect her. [color=0072bc]"At least I landed next to the dispenser..."[/color] Blazermate said as she picked herself back up. Since the Engineer didn't really need to repair his sentry in awhile, the gun shooting the new minions who quickly exploded upon being pelted by gunfire, Dehl was sitting in a lounge chair drinking beer and looking over the battle casually. [color=0072bc]"Well then..."[/color] Blazermate said, looking at her striker with a bit of confusion as she healed herself. She noticed that Kamek was also focusing on the minions, with Banjo/Kazooie also luring the minions both towards the sentry gun, but also keeping them away from the gun itself as it mowed everything down. Since she was spending a bit of time near the engineer camp and healing herself, Blazermate figured that with her free arm, she could at least start commanding more undead to attack the ent. They were endless in this area after all, even if most of them seemed to stay away from this area. Using what she learned from meddling with her new arm, Blazermate called out to summon even more nearby undead, commanding them to swarm the ent. After she let out the call, the moans and howls of the nearby undead did start to converse on the area, but it would take a bit of time before they got here. The few undead who had survived the ent's attacks, including the Jockey that Kamek had saved, followed her command without question, either attacking the ent's roots, or in the jockey's case, attacking its face. Gene, taking advantage of Nero's injuries, freed Nero of Galeem's control. And seeing as Nero was the most damaged, Blazermate would have to make her way over to the demon hunter to heal him back into the fray. Gene was holding off the minions, seemingly ignoring the gas they were releasing upon death. He also had no weaknesses Blazermate could see, so she figured it was an ability of his. As she made her way across the battlefield to Nero, Ratchet got hit hard from the minions swarming him, apparently going into a weird state, at least according to Blazermate's sensors, where he was bleeding out. Seeing this, she started to beeline for the little fuzzball, but shortly after he had gone into this state, he was back up, fully healthy. [i][color=0072bc]"Some of these abilities really mess with my sensors..."[/color][/i] Blazermate thought as she gave Ratchet a slight heal and cleansing him of any paralysis before continuing to where Nero was. Since she tended to stick to the air, the shockwave and minions didn't really bother her, being ground based. While Gene and Donnie were protecting Nero, Blazermate descended from the sky, putting her healing beam on the demon hunter to get him back into fighting shape. When she figured he was at least healed up enough, she revived him, waking him from his stupor. [color=0072bc]"Rise and shine sleepy, we sitll got a giant to beat!~"[/color] Blazermate said as she revived Nero, making sure she was a bit away from the giant, Jak and the animal pair attacking the ent head on. Blazermate would heal them if they got damaged, but she wasn't going to go anywhere near the giant monster. As she backed away from the giant, Blazermate reached an area covered in roots, with a few things trapped inside them. At first she didn't pay this much attention, more intent on dealing with the problem in front of her. But as she was about to leave the area, something within one of the roots caught her eye. A robot, much like the ones that were at the robot battle field where she had gotten the spirit of the engineer, but it looked [url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/thumb/b/be/Medicbot_blu.png/600px-Medicbot_blu.png]different[/url]. Fully tangled up by roots, its wheel missing, the robot seemed broken ant battered, but in its hands was a healing beam weapon much like Blazermate's own healing arm. Seeing this as an opportunity, Blazermate ended the existence of the robo medic and absorbed its spirit into herself. She hadn't seen anything that could heal people until now spirit wise, so she hoped this new addition would do something to increase her healing capabilities.