[Center] [H1] Egwyn [/h1] [/center] [hr] The pure white hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and goosebumps covered her entire skin as she blinked her wide eyes and stroked her palm, which didn’t hurt at all. Her eyes shifted from the mushroom, to the excited gaze of Engil, her “twin” sister, and finally to Doron, their childhood friend with whom they had gone on most of their adventures with. Finally, Egwyn looked back at the mushroom and sighed, “You guys always bring some crazy stuff back here, how am I ever gonna finish the last project we had when you always bring me cool things that get me distracted? Seriously, a zappy mushroom? Where do you even find this stuff?” And truly, it was ridiculous. Every few days her sister and Doron would bring her something completely nuts and awesome, awesome enough to get her to abandon project after project in order to sate both her and their curiosities. The white-haired, gray-eyed, pale-skinned, soft-looking Valthumir girl sighed and smiled, “Okay, so what do you want me to do with this, guys?” “Power it up! We’re gunna use it to shock those bullies who took your fishy thingy.” Doron exclaimed proudly. Egwyn perked up. “R-Really?! Yeah, yeah let’s do that! I have just the thing! Sorcery, of the highest caliber! Wait here a second,” She said, cutting herself off and speeding upstairs towards her bedroom. Engil turned to Doron and grinned, “Whaddaya think she’s gonna bring down? Maybe something cool like food for mushrooms or something?” Doron shrugged. “Whatever it is, it’s gunna work!” he said with glee. “Eek!” There was a sound like a rockslide, and several dozen things fell and clattered loudly on the floor just above them. After a few seconds, Egwyn shouted, “I’m okay!” “... Or maybe she’s just gonna mess up our bedroom.” Engil snickered. Seconds later, hurried steps echoed through the modest home and Egwyn carefuly stepped down the stairs with a heavy, unwieldy ball of a… Brownish material. Once she went down the last stair she grunted and dragged her feet all the way to the other two, before sitting down cross legged in front of them and putting the ball between her legs. For a moment, she looked up at them with a glint in her eye. “Watch this, I had been keeping it a secret cause mom would throw this away if she saw it!” And so she took a deep breath, concentrated and… Absolutely went to town rubbing the smooth ball with the palms of her hands. She rubbed and rubbed until she was wheezing and looked pale, and only then did she stop and immediately press her finger against Doron’s shin, giving him a tiny shock. Doron jumped and then began to laugh. “How’d you do that without the mushroom!” he asked. Egwyn gasped for breath, a feeling of relief washing over her body upon hearing Doron’s reaction. “I don’t… know… I cooked.... This mud and… This came out…” She said between heavy panting, pointing at the ball. “Gwyn, you. Are. A. GENIUS?!” Engil exclaimed quickly snatching the ball from her sister and beginning to rub it with a passion. Doron flashed Egwyn a smile and joined Engil, cheering her on to rub the ball harder. “Yaaaaah!” Engil hummed and groaned at the same time, her shoulder length hair suddenly beginning to spike and float. “C’moon!” Doron began to laugh at the sight of Engil’s hair. “Woah! Your hair looks likes the rocks in the cave!” “And…!” Engil grunted and dropped the ball on the floor, then moved her hands close to the mushroom. Tiny arcs of energy connected her palms to the mushroom, and the latter grew bright and colourful. “Bam! Wapam!” Engil smirked and wiped some sweat off her brow, then leaned on Doron’s shoulder. “Wanna try it to see if its zaps are stronger now, Doron? Bet you’re scared, huh?” “Come on, don’t tease him like that, Sis.” Egwyn said with some pity toward Doron. “Ah, whatever,” Engil shrugged. “N-No, go ahead Engil. I’m ready.” Doron said nervously. Engil nodded and chuckled “I’m gonna get you back for zapping me before, trust me.” And so the wild girl grabbed the mushroom by the stalk and slowly brought it up against Doron’s arm. It made his hairs stand on end. It was amazing. Just like that, Engil touched the shroom against Doron’s skin. ZAAAAAAP! He howled in surprise, and then pain as he jumped back and away from Engil. “Ow Engi!” he said, rubbing his arm. “That was powerful!” he gritted his teeth, as black tears began to well up in his eyes. “Hehe! Gotcha!” Engil giggled. Egwyn on the other hand hurried to Doron and checked his arm with a worried frown on her face. “A-Are you okay, Doron?” The frailest of the twins asked him. He wiped away his tears with a free hand and said, “Y-Yeah… It just stung a little.” “Aw come on, Gwynnie, Doron can take much more than that mushroom can deal out! Now, if it had been a centipede instead…” Engil snickered and Egwyn bumped her side with an elbow, “Ow!” “Don’t be a meanie, Sis. Doron,” Egwyn turned to the boy again, this time with a spark in her eyes, “H-How did it feel? The zap? It looked really, really powerful!” Doron seemed to deflate at the mention of centipedes, but puffed out his chest again when Egwyn asked how it hurt. “I felt it up my entire arm!” he said proudly. “Wow…!” Egwyn gasped, then nodded and grinned, “Yep! This will be perfect, this is how we get back at those bullies!” “I can’t wait to see the look on their faces.” Doron said giddily. “Ok, ok, c’mon! Let’s look for those guys and scare them outta their pants, hehe.” Engil said, carefully adjusting her grip on the mushroom before grabbing egwyn by the wrist and walking out of the home. And so the trio did, leaving the Vallamir houses behind as they walked towards the Marble Star. The trip was full of excited giggles and slight nervousness, but nothing that couldn’t be resolved. Doron walked in between the girls, as they made their way, eventually reaching the outskirts of the town. There, in a well situated bush, they searched for Egwyn’s thieves. It did not take them long to see the small band of Nebulite kids, varying in ages and heights, led by a bronze colored boy by the name of Salsonus, or Sal for short. He was a real jerk, and he didn’t mesh well with Doron. This would be a fine time for revenge. “Okay, okay.” Doron said, turning to the two. “Here’s what we do. I’ll go up and distract him, and Engil can sneak up and shock him. Then, Egwyn can steal her thing back, okay?” "Y-Yes!" Egwyn said in a jittery voice, and after Engil gave her a look, the black haired twin sister spoke. "They're using the thing in the creek-" Before Engil could finish her sentence, however, a ruckus started in Sal's group. "ACK! IT CAUGHT, SAL! WADDOIDO?" a short kid screamed. "WHAT? Don't be dumb Bil, pull the thing out!" Someone shouted back from among the bushes, and Sal himself grunted and ran to the short kids' side, helping him pull the thing (net) out of the creek. "Why is this dang fish so strong?! Help us you idiots!" Sal yelled, and the other kids ran up to sal and the short kid. In total five kids were pulling on the net and after a particularly mighty pull, they got it out. The net was empty, and ripped. "Gee!" sighed the short kid as he fell backward onto his bum and against someone else's shins. Sal kept silent, his hand balled up into fists. "I guess we couldn't expect anything else from that Egg girl, guys. Everything she makes ends up breaking." Egwyn flinched back and shrunk a little at the sound of Sal’s voice and without hesitation, Doron lept from the bush with hands balled into fists as he approached the kids. “You take that back! Everything Egwyn makes is wonderful! It’s not her fault you starlings don’t know how to use it!” He shouted angrily. Sal turned and glared at Doron, “Well boys, look who we have here! Dork, the guy that can only be friends with the pointy ear freaks!” Sal looked down at Doron, scoffing, “What, did the freaky witch girl send you on an errand? Maybe she promised you a [i]real[/i] dad if you did her work for her?” Sal shrugged and spit at the ground in front of Doron. With a roar, Doron tackled Sal, sending the two into the creek as they fought each other. The other children began to scream in delight as they cheered on Sal. “Beat him up Sal!” “Dork, dork, dork!” “Make him see stars!" Sal was bigger then Doron, taller too but reach wasn't everything. They grappled with one another in the shallower part of the creek, punching when they could and several times connecting. Doron had a stout build but Sal's blows were heavy. As the water splashed, Doron saw an opening and uppercut Sal, sending the boy stumbling backwards. In his momentary confusion, Doron tackled him again but Sal did not go down. Instead, he began to wail on Doron's back, prompting the golden haired boy to let him go or face more wrath. He managed to get away and both boys looked at each other as the kids grew silent with anticipation. Both held an offensive stance, poised to strike. Sal scowled and slowly, he raised a hand to wipe at his bloodied lip. Then, a moment later, he dropped his stance. “Watch your back, Dor-” Suddenly, a shape jumped down from above right behind Sal. “Huh-” The larger boy gasped as he turned around. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a wildly smirking Engil, and before he could jump back, he felt a wet, cold, bulbous thing press against his back. “H-Hah! Guess she wants t-aaaAAAHHHHH!” His speech turned into a scream of surprise and agony, and soon arcs of pure energy formed around Sal’s body. His hair stood on end, his body darkened slightly, and there was the smell of burned skin. “H-Hey, that’s cheating! Cheaters! Let’s get them, guys!” One of Sal’s friends suddenly yelled, and just like that everyone began to close in on Doron and Engil, having thrown Egwyn’s net away to focus on the fight. And just as Sal fell on his side onto the shallow creek, eyes rolled back and drool coming out of his mouth, another voice piped up. Egwyn’s soft, usually hesitant voice. “I have it! Run!” She shouted over the ruckus made by the other boys, lifting up her torn net to the sky so Doron and Engil saw it, and immediately ran off into the foliage. Engil’s smirk turned into a shiny-eyed smile, and she turned to look at the bruised Doron, “Alright Dork, hope you’re not too beat up to keep up!” But unlike before, Engil swiftly jumped over the squirming Sal and grabbed Doron’s arm and pulled him into a run. All of Sal’s little goons were confused, some looking at where Egwyn was a moment ago, others at Sal as he coughed and propped himself up on an arm, and others at Doron and Engil’s back as they parted into the forest. After the three kids were long gone, one of the boys approached Sal, who was panting and had just sat up and put his hand on his shoulder. “Y-You ok, Sal?” Sal sniffled and shrugged, “Y-Yeah! This is nothing! We will get them back, ok?! But first, uh… Anyone got some Firestem ointment?” [hr] Engil and Doron broke the treeline to come upon their hideout. A large, hollow tree that they had arranged and cleaned to be a suitable place to meet and play. Engil let go of Doron’s arm and stretched, letting out a little pleased mewl. “Well that went great!” She said with a chuckle, walking up to the tree and leaning against one of the sides of its entrance. “You ok? Sal beat you up real bad… Though that was the perfect distraction for me to sneak around.” Doron turned away from Engil and growled. “It wasn’t meant to be a distraction.” “Huh? Seriously?” Engil raised a thick eyebrow and tilted her head. “I mean… You rushed into a group of kids and tried to beat up the massive Sal for my sister?” “Yes!” He said angrily, before his face flushed in bronze and he blinked, looking away. “I mean, I did it because… Because he was… mean.” “Eeeh…” Engil’s smirk grew wider bit by bit, but before she could speak, Egwyn arrived. She was happily holding onto her bundled up net and walked past the two already there and sat down inside the hollow tree after tossing her net to the side. “W-Wow, we really showed them!” She said breathily before blushing and scratching her cheek sheepishly, “T-Thank you Doron for defending me, by the way. Sal always picks on me…” After that, Egwyn looked at both Engil and Doron and tilted her head curiously, “Huh, why are you smirking so widely, Engil?” Doron seemed to light up when Egywn praised him, but then he crossed his arms. “You’re welcome.” he said, looking outside. A short silence fell upon the group, until Egwyn looked down and shook her head, “Okay, I have to fix this net and then we’ll go catch some fishies. I reaaally want to catch those fishes with orange backs. What do you think they taste like, Doron?” Doron didn’t say anything at first, before mumbling back, “Fish… Probably.” Egwyn pursed her lips, “... Yeah, sorry. That was a dumb question, wasn’t it?” As Egwyn searched through a small box for her tools, Engil took the opportunity to slap Doron’s arm and roll her eyes at him. As Doron turned to protest, outside up in the Heavens, the stars began to fall and with it, everything would change. [Hider=Summary] A small short story showing old and new characters. Created jointly by Zee and Frettzo, Or Frettzee. [/hider]