The clam chowder was well made. The clam meat was perfectly cooked, and the potatoes were soft. The broth was creamy and had a good mix of seasonings. You also tasted some bacon in there as well as some celery and cilantro. After breakfast, Elaranna begins her investigation into Trina. She asks around discreetly, and most people give the same thing that the bronze dragonborn barkeep gave her. However, she does find a couple of friends who had...criminal friends, to say the least. One was a halfling beggar girl, who informed her that her best friend, Calal had pickpocketed a couple of gold pieces from Trina. She caught him in the act, and she dragged him to her store. A few moments later, the girl saw the guards come to the store and take Calal away. "I'm so worried. Calal has escaped from the prison before, but I haven't heard anything from him. And when I asked the guards about him, they acted as though they knew nothing of him..." Elaranna would also find a tiefling shopkeeper and he talks about his twin brother who was a charlatan, who had a penchant for selling things that were worthless for a pretty gold. "My brother sold some honey that was dyed green to Trina, and said that it was an Ancient Dragon's urine. He was bragging about it that night. I don't know what happened after we parted ways, but the next day, he wasn't at home, nor was he in the streets. I'm worried about him. It's not like him to just up and leave without his belongings,"