Well, where demons were congregating, slayers were too. Though the defection of the River Pillar was something to be concerned about, Gerard honestly couldn’t care too much about the implosion of an organization. He dealt with cannibalistic monsters, not annoying humans, after all. His decision was more or less made before he even entered the room, and consequently, the large man was really only there to enjoy the tea. Oita Prefecture, find demons, and kill them. Easy enough, honestly. He drank more tea, nodded once at Sister Maria, and departed, soon finding himself on a train heading northwards to Kyushu. … He overslept. Was it food, too greasy and delicious to refuse? Was it some accursed Demon Blood Art, to thwart his arrival in the prefecture? Was it just that the rocking motion of the train triggered his infantile instincts, lulling him to a good night’s rest? Regardless, Gerard was woken up quite some time later by the train conductor, who spoke such terrible English that he may as well have just spoken in Japanese. Scratching his head, the sleepy giant ducked under the doorway, stumbled out, and let out a cavernous yawn. Where was he now… Though he could more or less speak Japanese with some degree of proficiency, Gerard still struggled with kanji, and that mortal weakness visited him with the gravitas of a nail through his wrists as he stared at the sign at the station. It was late now, of course, and from experience, he was certain that anyone who WAS awake would either fight him or run away from him. Well, maybe if he were lucky, he was still in Oita. With that hope in his heart, Gerard sauntered off in search for lodgings, or even just a shed to nap in. He was not lucky. He was in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, a good sixty kilometers away from the border of the Oita Prefecture.