[center][hr][hr] [h1][color=#666699]Roman Carter[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.squaremile.com/gallery/5a02fa61203a0.jpeg[/img] [hr][hr] [color=#666699]Location:[/color] The Triskelion [color=#666699]Skills: N/A[/color] [hr][/center] The man knew why he had been summoned here, at this early hour in the morning. However, it was not something that he overly looked forward to handling. He had never particularly enjoyed debriefs, and with the topic of this next debrief he knew full well that he would be dealing with sensitive topics at hand. As he saw the woman approaching him, Roman's eyes went wide. He immediately knew who the beautiful woman before him was, and also knew that typically when she was involved in wasn't exactly a good thing. He was going to die today, he thought with a dark humor as he followed along silently. Whenever she began to speak, Roman's face clearly displayed a flash of anger. Sitting across from her, he shook his head in response to the woman. [color=#666699]"Do not thank me for my service. I killed the woman I loved and failed to save the rest of my team. By no merit does that mean I have done any service worth thanking."[/color] He shot back quickly, as it became increasingly clear that Roman directly blamed himself for the tragedy. Without much of waiting for a response, he began to explain the circumstances that led to his team's deaths. Starting from the moment HYDRA was discovered within Shield, and ending with the death of the mole. Hopefully, that would be enough for Shield.