Rho sat among his comrades at one of the tables that ran the length of the cafeteria. Laughter and talking surrounded the Project who sat watching the others, smiling as one of the others, a large man they called Maul, retold the story of one of the various operations that he had been sent on. “So I was sitting there, rebel in one hand, tree limb in the other, his buddies moving in from all sides, bloodrage slowly draining and then I hear it. It was the sound of this rock-brain uncloaking, that little sadistic smile plastered all over his face.” He motioned to Rho, chuckling “Turns out he had sat there in the tree and watched the whole-” Maul was cut short as the commander walked into the room and everyone was hushed up. Rho looked up expecting the usual face of Le Marne, instead he saw Cubric . Rho’s face fell impassive [i] “A new commander, right before a mass drop?”[/i] he wondered to himself as Cubric began his speech , he had seen various commanders come and go, but none so close to a large scale attack. Shrugging off the thought, Rho used the speech to work his way towards the exit to beat most of the others to the armory. Soon enough he was out of the room and was making his way down the hall, passing a few of the station's personnel that were frantically getting everything ready for the incoming Projects. After walking a fair way Rho came to a large open room, its stark white, almost medical, appearance belying the name plate that read "Armory 252" on the wall. Walking the same route as always, he quickly ended up next to his locker, one of many that lined the side of the room. Opening it he divested himself of his normal fatigues, in favor of the tougher under armor that was always put on before his combat suit. After this was done and his meager clothing was stored and the locker locked, Rho turned to the opposite side of the room where the "Arming Stations" sat. Each station was a ring of machinery that would put on and secure the armor when activated. Rho was almost to his designated Station when a voice rang out "And where do you think your going so soon?" The voice belonged to a young doctor, Dr.Mercer or something like that, she was walking toward Rho clipboard in one hand, an auto-injector in the other. "You know I cant let you waltz out of here without you injection." She held out the injector "So are you going to do it or will you make me." Rho almost laughed at this, the fact that she was a good foot, or more, shorter than his augmented height of around 7' would have made reaching his injection points incredibly difficult for her. Smiling he reached out and took the injector. Taking it he put it next to one of the arteries in his neck, and pressed the button at the other end of the injector. After the needle left his skin, it was apparent something was different, his smile had melted into a cold mask, his empathy draining out of him. "Thank you Subject Rho." Mercer said, her tone business like "You may proceed with your procedure" Snapping a quick salute Rho resumed his donning. Stepping into the center of the Station he activated the machinery, which unfolded into various mechanical arms that began to secure the MKII Chitin around Rho. The entire process took less than five minutes, the whole while Rho remained silent, that was until Mercer spoke to him once more "What dose that mean?" She asked pointing to some words that were carved into the back of one of the arms. Rho turned to look before replying "[i]Terra tremuit et quievit[/i], Latin. It means, The earth trembled and was still. The opening to an old chant from earth, Gregorian or Byzantine if memory serves." He replied after studying the words, his words cold and official. "Hmm, And you find these chant enjoyable" Mercer asked, flipping through pages on the clipboard Rho nodded "Aye, ma'am. I find them relaxing." "Interesting" She said as she wrote down some notes "Rho, you are free to go, collect your gear, you once more going to be part of a hunter team for this drop." Saluting Rho went over to his weapon rack, lifting Maelstrom he spun it a few times before collapsing it and stowing it, he also retrieved his several throwing/combat knives, and pistols. Satisfied everything is in order he left the armory to wait for the signal to begin final drop preparations.